Part 3: Chapter 8

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"I'm sorry, Link. I-" She was interrupted. "Is (Y/N) coming back?" Link asked. "What have you done to her?" He kept on asking as he stepped closer. "Link-" Void held him back.

"Where is she?!" He shouted. "She's alive!...Just not the way you want her to be." The woman shouted back. "What?" Link stopped. "She still has the Sun's orb so...she'll be revived as that."

"So? Where is the orb?"

The woman took out her hand, which came out the Sun's orb. Link planned on taking it until he heard a voice. "I sense someone else with the Water's orb!!" Said, Adonis. Everyone was focused on him except for Link. All he cared about was getting you out.

"What do you want, Adonis?" Void asked. " I want whoever has the Water's orb to be my bride!" He claimed. Link's heart began pounding. How was he going to do this? How was he going to steal the Sun's orb? Adonis giggled. "Where's (Y/N)?"

"Link! Link!" You shouted from the Sun's orb. Link heard you. "Get me OUT of here!"

"(Y/N), I'm trying!" He thought back. Back to reality, Elara and Void were fighting against Adonis. Link quickly took Bella with him. The woman stopped him. "Where ever you're going, take me with you!" She begged. Link wanted to leave, but what if Elara and Void lost? "C'mon." They ran away.


Link had stopped by the Gerudo Desert. No one was there, plus it's get really dark. "Thanks, hero." The woman said. "Here.." She handed Link the Sun's orb. He took without saying anything.

"(Y/N), please. Summon yourself for the good of this world." He summoned the orb. You fell onto the ground once your body came out of the orb. Both Bella and Link came to check on you. "I'm alright." You said. Link helped you get up and you looked at him. "Did they-"

Link nodded. You sighed. The woman came up to you and said "Nice seeing you again." 

"I gave you that orb with the thought that you would make everything better. To do better than my knowledge, but instead, you ran away!" You exclaimed. "I-I know." She said.

"You have one more chance to prove yourself and that's it."


You and Link hung out somewhere near Arbiters Grounds. Bella slept nearby. "(Y/N), that didn't sound a lot like you." Link said. "I know, but Elara and Void are now gone and I know that for a fact." You responded. "We should keep an eye on her." You kept going. "Something about her just..doesn't feel right.."

"Can I ask you something, (Y/N)?"


"After defeating Adonis, what do you plan on doing?" Link asked. "What do you mean?" You asked back. "After getting the orbs, are you going to bring them back?" Now, that's a question you never thought of. "I-I don't really know."

Link took your hand. "Whatever it is, we'll figure it out, right?"

You smiled and nodded. It wasn't that easy.


Going back to the woman, you sat down in front of her. Just because you felt suspicious of her didn't mean you'd have to leave her out. "Okay, so here's the plan."

Throughout the whole night, you three made a plan for Adonis.


Leaving Gerudo Desert, the woman stopped by you and said "Darya."

"Huh?" You asked.

"My name." She said. "Oh!" You realized. "I believe this plan will work, (Y/N)."

"Thank you." You responded. She left to Hyrule Field, where she's most vulnerable. You turned. "Link, you're next." Link stepped forward and gave you a golden necklace with the shape of the crescent moon. "Be safe, (Y/N)." Then gave you a kiss on the cheek and left. Bella stood there. "You stay with me, okay?"


Darya walked like nothing was happening. 'Please, come now!' She thought. You sensed someone. It was him. "My goodness!" He appeared right before Darya. "I accept your proposal!" She shouted. "Really?" He asked. "Yes!"

Out of the sudden, water hands held Adonis down. "What?!"

You and Link came by surprise. You stabbed Adonis with your spear and Link did with the Master Sword. The orbs came out of him. Igno and Elara. Bella quickly took them by the wind and healed them. Darya also stabbed Adonis, which Dawn came out. Bella took care of him.

Adonis got irritated. "Arghh!!" He grabbed both you and Link then threw you two up to the sky.

You and Link screamed as you fell. "Can't you fly?!" Link shouted. "If I could, I would've already done that!" You shouted back.

"I thought you could?!"

"Not with this orb!

"Well, I can't fly, we're going to die!!" Link began praying mid-air. Adonis catched up to you and grabbed you by the wrists. "Ouch!!"

"Give me the orb!!!" He began pushing you down, making the fall even faster. Link gasped. "(Y/N)!!"

Darya used the water's orb to grab you and Link. She grabbed Link, but Adonis didn't let it get to you. He created a portal that you two would end up falling in. Darya tried guiding Link faster to save you, but you two fell into the portal, it disappeared in an instant. Link couldn't reach it.


You were falling down and Adonis was now somewhere to be seen. You fell down a lost forest. Once you made it to the ground, you quickly stood up. "Link?! Bella?! Darya?!"

Your back hurt pretty bad. "H-Hello..? L-Link?" Suddenly, you felt someone hit you at the back of your neck, knocking you out.

You woke up in a empty room, laying down in a bed. Your clothing was different. It was a wedding dress. "What the-" You had heels on, along with the wedding veil on your head. "You're awake!" You heard and turned around. Adonis walked in circles around you. "I thought you were after whoever has the water's orb?" You asked.

"Yes, but you caught my eyes first."

"Your crazy." You said. "I guess so, but that won't stop me from loving you, dear." He responded. You stood up. "I wouldn't try it if I were you. After knocking you out, I made you drink a potion that would, for sure prevent your powers from working. Go ahead and attack if you'd like. Try." He said, grinning. You looked down and sat in bed. After he turned to made a beverage, you saw a chair. "Y'know, my favorite kind of tea is Black tea. It just gives me that-" You hit him with the chair. He didn't get knocked out, but it took enough for him to get up. Enough for you to run. You began running for your life. You were scared. No one was there to help you, just yourself, but just you wasn't enough. Running was difficult with heels and a heavy wedding dress, but you wanted to get out of there so bad.

You heard your name being shouted so loud in anger. You didn't know this land, so you ran as far as you could. You saw a portal being opened in your way. You thought it was Adonis, but you saw Link. "Link?!"

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