End of part one.

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You were little. A child..and you were so happy. When you were a baby, two people found you. A man and his wife. They raised you. Your parents were kind and generous. They believed magic was a disgrace..something bad for the world.

"Mommy! look what I got for you!" You showed her a purple Hyacinth. "Thank you so much, sweetie." She smiled at you. You smiled brightly.

You need help?" You asked father. He grunted. "No thanks, kiddo. Why don't you prepare dinner with your mother?" He suggested. "Okay!" You ran.

When you were 10, you discovered something. "I can..control water! That's so cool!" You said, moving your hands around. You played for a little until dusk set. Going back to mother and father, you were excited to tell them what you had. "Mom! Dad!"

"Yes?" They both turned. You saw a cup full of water and thought 'This is it!'

"Watch." You raised your hand and the water from the cup was mid air. Your parents were freaking out. "Honey..." Mother whispered to father. "(Y/N)..why don't you go to your room?"

"Alrighty!" You left.

Minutes later, they told you to go outside and that's what you did.

More minutes, they had a bag with them. Both of them came out of the house and you looked at them. "What's that for..?"

Your mom pulled your hand and took you someplace.

"Please, answer! Where are we going?" You asked mother several times. No answer. Mother stopped and looked at you. She saw a puddle nearby. "Control that."

"Okay..." You did. She saw the water at her height and sighed. "You don't belong with us. That ability is something that should be killed this instant." She said.

You two were close to a cliff. "What do you mean..?"

"Magic and this.." She grabbed your hand. "Is what's wrong with the world."

'kind and generous.' Was what you thought about them. She pushed you to the edge of the cliff. "You won't feel a thing. It'll be gone once you wake up." She said, close to you. Giving you a last push, you fell. "Mom!! Dad!!"

After that, you didn't remember anything. You were with different people all the time.

At the age of 11, a woman and her friend talked. "Have you heard the news?"

"No, what?"

"Isabella and Henry are having a new baby!"


"Yeah..but..I feel bad for the child they lost..the child ran away and they never found her.."

You walked by from village to village..until..you heard it. Her cry.


"The girls are cursed. Not us. We need to move on." Henry said. "No. You need power. You need something we were against so that none of that can exist!" Isabella shouted.

"Magic? No way."

"We have to."


Henry made a deal with those who had dark power. His goal was to made those from magic vanish forever. "Henry, stop!" Isabella fell to the ground. "I need more, honey."

"More people?..why me?" She asked. "Sorry, I'll always love you." Next day, Henry was gone. Their friends found a monster nearby that somehow reminded them of Isabella. Not by looks..but it was a feeling.

Henry now wanted to make everyone a demon but he wanted the magic and power of those with it.

He killed his own wife.
And almost her first daughter.

By 17, he found you. You didn't know but this was revenge.

Anna walked to her house. A woman with an illness was there. "You received a letter."

"Read it."

"Dear Isabella:
I wish to learn more about your story and the encounters of these people. Describe your ex-husband and your two daughters. From what you have said, they sound familiar. I can do whatever you want if you show them. Thank you
Your hope."

Anna read. "So..he's dead." The woman said. "Why are you doing this..?" Anna asked. "To kill every magical being! I hate them! They are what's wrong with this world! I need to fix that!!"
Anna stepped back.

"My name is Isabella and they will remember that! Specially that little girl! I know she's alive. I know she's here! (Y/N). I don't care if she's was my daughter, she will die!"

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