Beginning of part two: Chapter 1

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The start ?

You sat by yourself. Hearing steps nearby, you looked bad. "I know she's alive..." You said. "Yeah. I know. How're you holding up?" Link asked you. You sighed. "I'm alright. I kinda wish..things would be like before.."

Link looked down and handed something that was wrapped in cloth. You opened it and smiled. "Finally! Some food!" You ate like a beast. Link chuckled. "I figured you were hungry."

Once you finished, you cleaned your mouth and hands. "Thank, Link."

Link sat next to you. "So..what do we now?"

"I honestly don't know." You said.


You and Link went back to the village. Anna was there, at the entrance like she was waiting for someone. "Ah, Link. There you are." She wrapped her hands around his left arm. You looked away. "I've been wanting to tell you something, come." She pulled him. Link grabbed your hand. Anna saw that and quickly separated you two. "Just you. Link."

Link frowned. "This better be quick."

You stayed, watching them in the distance. "(Y/N)!" Igno shouted. Dawn behind him was quick to notice the look in your eyes. "Woah.."

They had turned into a different color, not to mention your emotions. Dawn pulled Igno. "Watch out."
"Wha-" Igno looked at you. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)!"

A different voice came in. "(Y/N)!" The one in green cake running. You had gone back to normal. "Yes?" You asked. Link stopped and turned to Igno and Dawn. "Why do you two look like you're about to attack us?" He asked.

"N-No...we were practicing and i thought we saw something weird.." Dawn responded.

"Ok..ay...well..(Y/N), Anna just asked me if she could come with us." Link said. "Huh..?"
"If she can come with us..on our adventure."

"Oh! Yes! Sure!"

"Great, come on!"


At Anna's house, it was a tiny place. It was something normal. "Thank you, (Y/N). Link." She said. "No problem." You responded. She served tea to both of you. "I want you to meet my mother. She's in the other room."

You didn't drink her tea. Link enjoyed it. You two followed Anna to the room and there she was. The mother had warm, happy eyes over those cold ones and you could see it. "These are your friends?" She asked. "Yes, ma'am."

"My, my. Tell me dear, what's your name?" She asked YOU.


"Ah..alright." She stood up and left. Why did she ask for your name and yours only? Why nothing else?

"I have to go." You left in a hurry. "Wow. Rude." Anna said behind your back.


Far away, you stopped. "Ow.." You fell to the ground in pain.


Link was about to follow you until Anna held him back. "Wait!" She hugged him from behind. "Don't leave me."

"I have to go.." He turned to her. She placed his finger on his lips as she got closer to him. "Don't worry about're fine here..with me.."

Link held her shoulders and moved her away. "I have to go. Now." He left.


You were still under the tree. The pain had gone away. You had no idea what it was. Link went to the place you all were staying in. "Is (Y/N) here?"

"In the back, outside."

Link headed there and found you sitting under the tree. He made it to you. "Sorry, I felt a little sick. So I took some medicine from here." You stood up. "How about we-"

An explosion was heard. Fire and smoke could be seen in the distance. Dawn and Igno came out. "Let's go!" They ran. You and Link followed.


A village with no many people was burning. "Spread out, take the villagers away! (Y/N), bring water in." Dawn commanded. All of you nodded. You went to a different direction where you saw a Lake. Dawn tried to keep trees away. Igno and Link were taking everyone out. On top of the Lake you were, you raised your arms. All of the Lake was floating. Making it follow you, someone appeared in front of you.

"You won't say be no one!" He said. You dodged him and made your way to the village.
"Fine then."

"Why is she taking so long?" Everyone was safe, waiting for the fire to die.

The man was following you. You were so close. He began shooting magic at you. You dropped the water at the village once you were there. The guys had shields to stop the water.

"Now. Who are you?" You faced the man. "Someone who wants you dead." He responded. The man grabbed you and threw you to the ground.

Their objective didn't change.

The man turned to the village and charged all of his magic. You stood up and flew to him. He released his magic and quickly saw you, pointing it at you.

Link gasped. "(Y/N)!!!"

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