Part 3: Chapter 1

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You wore black tights.
Brown boots that reached below your knee.
A long top. (Color of your choice.)
The same cloak from before.
And a crown.

You walked around the castle very excited. Link was nice to visit every now and then. Hyrule was back to normal and Link couldn't be more happy to see Epona and his friends. He was coming today.

There was a reason you stayed.


You and Link were at a diner party. Dawn suddenly spoke out in front of everyone. "Now..I am proud to present (Y/N) as the queen of this kingdom!"

It caught you and Link unexpectedly.

Minutes later, you and Link were outside. "You're gonna stay here?" He asked. "..I guess..I'm thinking of something but I can't..?"

"It's your choice, I'll still see you several days."


"The people are happy, (Y/N). I see a smile in their faces.." Dawn said.


You ran to the entrance of the castle and saw him. Link.


You two were happy to see each other as you hugged. "How's the queen?" He asked.

"I'm alrighty. How's the hero?"

"I am good, thank you very much."

You two giggled and went inside the castle.

In your room, Link was eating and you were drinking. "I was thinking of something..."

"What's that?" Link ate.

You took out the Sun's orb. "I could resurrect" Link spit out his food. "There's a reason you have that orb..!"

"And that is?" You asked.

"He wasn't a great ruler! Compare to you? Please!" Link places his food down. "Yes, but I don't want to be a queen! I want to go to Hyrule..with you. I miss my life. I miss the way things were..."

"What if we let Dawn as king?"

You shook your head.


You had the Sun's orb on your hands, standing in front of the throne. "He deserves to be here.." You placed the orb on the throne. Link was behind you. "I'll wait for you."

You stepped back and stood beside Link. "Now?"

You nodded. Both of you began running out of the castle. You opened a portal. "Ready? Jump!" You two jumped into the portal and ended up in Hyrule field.

You and Link went to different places to have fun. You crashed in Link's place. It was dark, so he made you tea. "Here." He handed you the cup. "Thanks. It's been a while since I've seen your place."

"I know. It's nothing like the castle bu-"

"I missed it."

Link smiled. "How's the job going?" He asked. "Bad. It seems like father let everyone to suffer. I seem to do something but in the end, it fails. I think I'm starting to get used to it." You responded. "It's hard."

"Listen, (Y/N). I was thinking of staying with you. I mean, just in case.." Link said. "Really?!" You hugged him tightly. "Yeah. I also need to drop you off right now." He said.

"Right, right."


As you and Link entered the castle, you see the orb on the throne. You quickly went to grab it. "I just realized how bad this idea was." You chuckled. Both of you went to your room. Suddenly, you heard a scream coming from the town below you.

You looked down and saw a woman running from a monster. You and Link both jumped from the inside to save the woman.

About to attack the monster, you all hear someone shout. "Stop!!"

The monster leaves and a man appears. A year older than you, about your height. The soldiers saw him walking your way so they surrounded him. "It's okay." You told them.

"My queen, it's an honor to meet you." He said. Link started to suspect. The man had black, sharp eyes. "I have come here to make an alliance with you. King..and queen." He said as he got closer, grabbed your hand and smooched it.

"I...wish to discuss that with you..privately." You said. "Excellent." He grinned.


"(Y/N)! Who attacks a citizen of yours then tried to make a peace treaty?!" Link asked, getting protective over you. "The fake King of Twilight." You said. "Too far, (Y/N)." Link responded. "I'm sorry." You gave Bella her clothes for the night. "I don't know how this is gonna go but.." You handed Link a blue necklace. "We can talk to each other with this, remember?" You had one too.  "Fine. I'm ready just in case." Link gave Bella a cookie. The baby boy was sleeping. He was a mystery.

You walked out of your room and went to the empty, long hallway. You felt your hands sweaty and cold. "My queen." You heard the man from behind. You turned. "My name is Adonis."

"Nice to meet you, Ado..nis..I'm (Y/N)."

"I know." He said. "How?" You asked. "I've heard of you. People talk. From the moment I saw you, I thought you would make a great my side." He whispered the last part.

Your eyes widen. "W-Wife?"

"You need someone strong by your side." As soon as he said the word 'strong' you immediately thought of Link. "Take my hand." He offered you his hand. "You'll be happy."

You took a step back. "You attacked one of my people. I can't let a king do that." You strictly said. Adonis sighed and grabbed you tightly by the neck. "I tried saving you. You're stupid and stubborn." He brought you to the ground, still hurting you. "You will never be a queen..!"

You started to lose motion. Link was hearing everything and was now on his way to where you were. Adonis created a sword and stabbed you in the center, making your body turn into the Water's orb. Link saw it and quickly came in to grab all of the orbs. Dawn and Igno also came in to attack Adonis. Both of them had him now. "You call yourself king?! Do you have any idea what you've done now?" Dawn was angry. "YOU call HER queen? What is wrong with you all?" Adonis responded. Link put the Sun and the Universal orbs away but kept the Water's orb on his arms.

An army of strong soldiers arrived to take Adonis away to the prison. Link walked away in silence. Dawn and Igno looked at him. "What orb..was that..?"

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