Part 3: Chapter 5

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"Sis, there's someone stuck there!" Bella shouted. You headed to the person who needed help. With your water ability, you took the person out. "Link!"

He was passed out. You checked if his heart was fine. Thank the gods it was. You carried Link. Bella carried Noah and stayed very close to you. When you were out of the destroyed castle, you placed him down and sat down on the ground. Suddenly, a monster similar to the one Elara defended you from appeared. It headed towards you. "Damn it..where is.."

You see Bella stand up, she handed you Noah and walked 5 steps away from you, facing the monster. She raised her hand, also facing the monster and released magic of her orb. Someone from the sky attacks Bella in order for her to stop. You see Elara up there, now coming down. "Why're you protecting him?!" She seemed angry. You looked at Link. "What did he do?"

"Hylians..I didn't know they caused all that pain." You heard Link say weakly. Link checked on Bella if she was okay. She had a burn. You stood up with Link. "You dare betray your kingdom?!" Elara shouted. "...Kingdom? WHAT kingdom?! This kingdom has been broken since father pushed Void away! I saw it in his eyes! He was filled with regret and pain. I didn't take father away for you all to be happy!" You shouted back. "What do you know?! We were happy until HE appeared!" Elara responded. "I know more than I should've! I learned it from Igno, Dawn, Father and Void! HE did what he was supposed to do. It's his duty! My help! That's why I'm protecting him!! I'm sorry I was taken away and caused you pain!"

Elara stepped back and fell to the ground. She gasped. "I'm so sorry. The past has been getting to me, I'm so sorry." She said. "It's been so long since I've seen my children. The sun faraway hasn't been so kind to me, I'm so sorry. I wanted the cold that the sun didn't give me..that's why I ran away, I'm so sorry."

You walked to her. You embraced her. "Let's search for your children, yeah?" You suggested. She nodded. You two stood up. Elara walked over to Link. "My apologies, Link. I hope you forgive me for treating you so badly."

Link smiled at her. "I forgive. Also, I've never done such thing like you said. Maybe it was my ancestors, I'm sorry too." He said, kindly.

You healed Bella's burn. "Can I stay at Ordon?" She asked.


You left Bella and Noah at Ordon village. "To be honest, I didn't know why I brought them again."

Link pulled you away from Elara. "Have you told her yet?" He asked. "No..I don't plan on to, either.." You two walked back. Link wanted to have a talk with someone he hasn't seen in a while. "Ready?" Elara asked. You three headed to Hyrule Castle. You and Elara followed Link to the big throne room.

"Link!" A brunette walked to Link to hug him. "Princess Zelda! How's it been?" Link asked her, politely. "It's been great! Very peaceful actually. Who are they?" Zelda asked him.

"This is Elara, former queen of the universe. Here is (Y/N), current queen of the universe."

You walked over to Zelda. "Oh lord, I'm panicking." You whispered to Link. "It's okay." He held your hand. "Nice to meet you, princess Zelda." You smiled at her. "Likewise, queen." She said in a soft voice.


Link talked to Zelda privately. You waited in a room Zelda let you stay in. "Link, I'm not so sure." Zelda said. "Princess-"

"I trust your words but why is it here?"

Link stayed quiet. "Power.."

"Did she agree to this?" Zelda asked. "..I haven't told her.."


You took the universal orb out and stared at it.

Link walked in the empty hallway. "Link!" Elara found him. "I wanted to thank you." She said. "Oh? For?"

"For taking care of my daughter. I didn't expect a human to love people like us." She responded. "(Y/N) is not a bad person. Maybe all of you mean harm to different people, but (Y/N) is different."

Elara laughed. "Oh, no."

You left your room and walked away. "

"(Y/N) was a threat to all of them."

You heard Elara's voice and hid behind a wall to hear them. "She joined Void in his temper to destroy us. When the war ended, Void was sent away, where he couldn't hurt anyone."

"And (Y/N)?" Link asked. "Killed. She was the wrong back then. I didn't agree but the sun wanted to do whatever he wanted. Once (Y/N) was sent to her orb, they restarted her memory. When she was a baby, she was taken away from us."

"I-I think that's enough, Elara." Link said, stepping back.

You walked away and headed to your room. Link entered. "Do you want dessert for later?" He asked. "Sure." You said. "Link, I'm thinking of resurrecting Void."


You turned to look at him. "You think it's wrong for me to do something like this?"

Link remembered everything Elara said. "No, actually. Everything you do, it's for a good reason. I believe." Link stepped closer.

"Even if it means danger?" You asked. He nodded. You took out the universal orb and breathed out. "May the power in me, I hope it comes from the goodness of your heart. Summon yourself!"

The orb floated mid-air. You saw a human figure. He stood there.
He wore high boots with white pants.
He had white hair with glowing points.
A black top that spreads two way at the end of it.

You stood behind Link. Void stood there, he noticed you and smiled. "I knew you'd make the right decision."

Elara came in. You, Link and Void looked at her and she looked at him.

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