Part 3: Chapter 6

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Elara slowly walked towards him. "My child!" She hugged him, tightly. Void did in return. "Oh! I thought they took you from me!" She said, crying. "I missed you, mother." Void whispered.

You and Link smiled.


A male sang in the distance. Such evil was heard in his voice. It was your song. Adonis laughed as he finished the song. "You think he can defeat me?"


You sat there, staring at the sunset. Void walked next to you. "I never knew what we were until I had a hold of your orb." You said.

"At first, it seemed so lovely." You kept going. "But then, everything turned..hollow inside you. Every time! I hold an orb..I can see their past. I wanted to keep learning about your past was horrifying.."

Void laughed, almost crying. He sighed. "You're still the same as before, I see. You need to stop worrying about us and focus on better things." Void's eye catched Link in the distance. "I guess so."


A teenage boy followed Princess Zelda. "Your majesty, are you sure you'll be safe on your own?" He asked, worried for her.

"I'll be fine, Rae." Princess Zelda responded. She left the room, leaving Rae in silence. 'How can I be a better knight for you, princess?'

He went to the guards chamber, where everyone trained. His two friends, Marcus and Lyssa trained with him.

As they trained, the leader shouted at Rae. "I hear Princess Zelda is leaving to Ordon village, will you join her?!"

"N-No...she commanded me not to go."

"Do you know why?"

"No, sir."

"It's because you're weak!! You need to protect her with your life and soul!!" The leader left. The girls, Marcus and Lyssa walked to Rae. "Don't worry, Rae. You can protect the princess." Lyssa said. "Yeah! Who cares what leader says?" Marcus joined. "If you want, I can beat him up for you. I don't care about being a soldier that much. Doesn't matter if I lose my name!" Lyssa laughed. "Thanks, guys. I think I'll go home." Rae said, heading out. "Well alright. See you tomorrow." Marcus waves.

Rae lived in Kakariko village. He had a whole routine every day. Wake up, wash, eat, head to Hyrule castle early, do his things and that was it.

You and Link were under a tree. "Get that apple!" You said. "I'm not that tall, (Y/N)!"

Rae saw Link. "Is that..the famous hero?!" He ran to the tree. "Are you..Link?" He asked him. Link turned. "Yes!"

Rae's eyes widen and shakes his hand. "It's an honor, hero! I-"

A monster growled in the distance. You and Link were alerted. You and Link helped each other to directly attack the beast. "Impressive.." Rae whispered. 'Who is that?' Rae looked at you. Once you two finished, you smiled. "Is that the 20th monster we've encountered?" You asked. "Are you really counting? Because if so, you're wrong." Link responded, laughing.

The apple fell to the ground. You picked it up. "Dinner!"

"Who are you?" Rae got closer to you. "I've never seen you before. Your ears are round. You're not Hylian. Are you from Ordon? Are you from another land?" You blinked at all the questions. "No, I'm not Hylian. I'm not Ordonian. Yes' I'm from another land." You responded, eating the apple.

"Is she your prisoner..?"Rae asked Link.

Link snatched the apple from you. "That's not dinner. She's not my prisoner. She's a queen from a land faraway."

"Qu-Queen?! My apologies!" Rae bowed down.

You giggled. "No need to do that." You picked his head up. That reminded him of Zelda. "If you don't mind me asking, Link..where is Zelda going that she doesn't need me?"

"You must be Rae." Link's face switched. "Princess Zelda is going on a visit to another land." He kept going.

"Another land?" Rae faced you. "Your land?" He looked angry. "Is this a trap to put her in danger?! Queen of what, are you? You think someone as high as her would make deals with you?" He looked at the way you were dressed. "Listen brat-" Link got in between. "Rude!"

"Sorry...I've had a bad day.." Rae apologized and left. "She won't bring him because he's a kid. He can't see that." Link said. "He's a kid but he acts like a baby." You responded.


Rae came home. "The way..Link protects the same way I want to protect Zelda.."

All of the sudden, he heard a crowd. He opened the door. "What's going on?!"

"Hyrule castle has been attacked!!"

Rae's heart dropped. He began running faster than everyone else and headed to the castle.

You stood far from the castle. It's be better if you stayed away from Hylians. Behind you, there was Void and Elara.

Link helped everyone at the castle. Once everyone was out, Rae arrived and saw the burning castle. He tried getting in, but Link stopped him. "No! She's not there!" He pulled him. "Where is she?!"

"She's not here. You have to calm down!"

"Was it that girl?!"

"Girl- No! She has nothing to do wi-"

A man came down form the sky. "Your days are over Hylians!" He took Rae. You all saw it. "Oh. No." You headed over there.


You created a water hand and brought the man down. Rae fell on the ground. You grabbed the man. "I've been hearing his songs. Tell him I'm on my way." You let the man go as he ran away.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Link asked.

"Your plan didn't work. Let the castle burn. It's was Zelda wanted."

Rae's eyes widen. "Shut up! It's not!!"

You looked at Rae. "She acted like she didn't needed help so you'll be worried for her. It's clear that she's been controlled. You worried for her safety, not for her actions, Rae."

Void came in. "It's true." The Universal orb can see through anything.

"You know Princess Zelda wouldn't do something like that, but Adonis can. The princess you all know and love wouldn't create fear on everyone." You said. Your eyes widen in realization. "Wait..Link."


"Where did she say she was heading first?" You asked.

'Please, don't say Ordon.'

"Ordon villa-"

You and Link had the same look.

"Bella!!" Elara shouted.

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