Part 2: Chapter 5

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"You have lost your mind.." Bella said. "You came here for a reason. To kill me and Link. What're you waiting for? You're close..!"

"But I didn't want to!"

You aimed the bow and arrow to her. "Go ahead."

Bella's face expression changed. From confusion to pure anger. "You want the orb, don't you? You are willing to kill your sister for some orb?" With force she was taking out of her chest. It looked gray. "Here.." She gave it to you. You grabbed it. Right when you were about to turn, she was about to attack you until someone slashed her. She fell to the ground. "Dawn!!" She called and disappeared into thin air.

You saw Link facing you. "Link..?"

"(Y/N).." He hugged you. "Are you okay..?"

You nodded. "I'm alright."

You two headed to Link's house and found a surprise. "Anna? and..her mother." Link was confused, so were you. "Hi, Link!" Anna ran to hug him. "'re you alive? I thought everyone died.." Link said.

"We got lucky, I guess."

"What about the kid and his older brother?" You asked. Anna looked down. "We searched. They were nowhere to be found."

His mother came to you. "Nice to meet you again." She took your hand.



Inside of the house, Link made food. "Thanks!" All of you said. "I've been wanting to talk to you about something." Anna's mother said. Link sat down. "Call me.."


You stopped eating.

She laughed. "Isabella. Anyways, I've been seeing everything that's been going on. Explosions..orbs..magic.."

Link got nervous. "H-How do you know all that?"

"A little bird told me."

You stayed silent. Something felt off, coming from Anna.

As they were leaving, Isabella said something to both of your when Anna left. "Be careful, there might be explosions. Be child." She left. Link quickly jumped to protect you as fire took over the house.

Anna heard an explosion. "...Link."

"Come on, they were getting in our way." Isabella said. Anna stayed there, staring at Link's place. "But..Link..."

"I said, Let's go!!" She pulled her arm. Anna was upset and snatched her arm away from Bella. "I won't."

Isabella charged her magic. A blue aura came from Anna. She had water around her. "That's how it is then.." Bella said.

Anna used her water powers, horribly but she tried. You and Link got out of the mess. "Hey..! That's mine!!" You shouted. Anna was thrown to the ground by Bella's powerful magic.

Isabella was about to kill Anna until you placed your hand on the back of her chest. Blue light surrounded you. When it was over, you felt as ease. Link carried Anna.

"Oh? So I guess you like them after all." Isabella said. "I suppose.." You looked down. "Can I at least get some answers though?!" You asked. "You will. Someday."

"No, No!" Bella was ready to leave. "No!!" You chased her. In a blink, she was gone. You got down to the ground. "Three out of five." Anna said. "Dawn is coming.."

"What?" Link asked. "Dawn...will give her all of the answers."


"What're you doing here, Dawn?" You asked. "Give me back the orbs." He commanded. "Then stop whatever all of you are doing."

"If we do, we'll die."

"Whatever! If we die, we can leave it to the gods who are way above us! No human will grieve upon our death! Everything will go back to normal.."

Link was behind a tree, hearing everything. "I need Link's piece of the Triforce...and then maybe..I'll give it to you."

Dawn stepped up. Moved his arm and swung, slapping you to the floor. "You're pathetic. Not everything will turn into happiness and sweetness, (Y/N)! You're just as dumb as mother."

Dawn laughed until an arrow went through his chest. You saw it from the corner of your eye. "Dawn?"

You see Link walking towards him. With Dawn on the floor, he could easily kill him. "Link! Stop!! Please." Dawn begged. Link shot another arrow. Dawn screamed and tried to attack Link, but you stopped him. "(Y/N)..?" You see the regret in Dawn's green eyes. Link finished Dawn with the Final Blow.

His body vanished and out of it came a green orb. You grabbed it and it went inside you chest. "If only they knew." Link said.


Link and Anna were sleeping. You were awake.

"Why take care of me when you killed me in the end?" You heard. Inches away from you, there was a ghost. Your little sister, Bella. "I believed in you, you know...yet you ended up doing this..what did you do wrong?" Igno was there.
"Everyone became disappointed, (Y/N). No one cares how you felt. About this and that. You had ONE job. To follow orders." and Dawn.

"What will happen if Link dies?" They asked.

You covered your ears. "If you don't want him to die in front of you, then do the right thing."

You started running.

"You don't know what you're doing. Gives us our bodies back."

You tripped and fell. They kept haunting you, telling you to do what was worst for you. "That won't change my mind!!" A blue, gray, red and green aura flushed them away.

Suddenly, you heard two different screams. You ran back and the spot where you three rested was empty.

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