Chapter 6

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You and Link greeted Dilo. Brown hair with blue eyes. As tall as Link. Wow.

He was kind of cute in your opinion. "What's your name, beautiful?" He asked you. "..(Y/N).."

"And yours, handsome?" He turned to Link. "Link."

"Bro! Can we bring them to the village? These two took care of me a lot." Milo asked. "Really? I don't mind! Come, follow me." He walked. You two were behind him. Milo was at his side. At the village, everyone was happy. Reminded Link of Ordon. He sighed. You placed your hand on his arm and smile softly. He smiled back. "This is my best friend. She's a skilled fighter annnnd her name is Anna." Anna was beautiful. Short hair, pretty eyes. Perfect.

The moment she laid eyes on Link, the look on her face changed. "A pleasure." She said, looking at Link. He smiled and waved. You did too, to be nice.

"So..where did you come from?" She asked. "Hyrule." Link responded. "Could tell..your ears." She pointed. Link chuckled. "Oh!"

Watching how she looks at him..made you different. "Uh. (Y/N). I'll show you your room." You and Dilo walked away. Leaving Anna and Link, you looked down. " and Link are close?"


"You and Link. For how long have you known him?" Dilo asked. "For a year, I believe."

"How did you two met?"

"I didn't know where to go. He found me and my sister..and took us in." You said.


"Mhm. Weeks ago..they..killed her. Her strength was little and couldn't handle the magic in her.." You said, choking up on your words. "Hey! Hey! We don't cry in this village." Dilo hugged you for comfort. "Please, keep away from me. You're a stranger. I only know your name and that you're Milo's big brother."

"Okay." He got away. "Well, this is your room..and Link's." You entered. Closing the door, Dilo stopped it. "And..I'm sorry about your loss. She's somewhere better."

"Thanks.." You closed it.

You took a nap. Once you woke up, Link was not there. Going out, you saw Link and Anna practicing with their swords. Suddenly, you all felt strong wind. People screamed. "We meet again!" You saw the man. "Where's that kid you had? The little boy."

Link ran to your side, along with Anna. "He's somewhere you'll never find him. Where's he's safe." You said. Milo was with Dilo inside a building.

"Well then.." The man pushed Link and Anna. "(Y/N), watch out!"

Something was grabbing you. You couldn't move. "I'll take you." He said, laughing. Creating purple smoke around you. "What?! No!" You coughed. "Link!!" Link couldn't move either. "(Y/N)!!!"


You opened your eyes and saw yourself at Link's house. It was night. You walked around to see if someone was there but there wasn't. You saw a figure laying in bed. Taking the sheets, your eyes widen at the horror you saw and gasped.  "Sis!" You heard. Running out, you were scared. "Link?! Link!! Where..are you!?"


Link saw the smoke around you. " (Y/N)..." He said trying to move. His ears moved. The water. It was moving. "Come on.."

"This isn't the Link I know!" The Link you saw was the opposite of him. It was too much to say what he was doing. You ran away from him and he chased you. "Get me out of here!!"

The Link grabbed you the neck and pulled you.


Link saw the water stop. You gasped and the smoke was gone. Your weak body fell to the floor. "Aw..that didn't last. You barely tried to fight back. Is it because it hurted? The corpse of your beloved sister?"


"Get up, then!"

One of his monsters picked you up.

"No!!!" Link struggled with anger. The man had something ready for you. A cube to place you inside. When you were placed, the cube was filled with a strange liquid. Being inside made you even more weak.

"Link! Stop struggling! You'll hurt yourself even more!!" Anna commanded.

Again, Link saw the water move. You tried anything. But this time, the fire for the torches around was also moving.

"Here we cooooome, (Y/N)!!!" Igno attacked the monsters. "It's not much. Odd." There was Igno's sibling, Dawn. "This is our sister?" He asked. "Yep!" Igno responded. Dawn held the man down. "This is the end for you."

Igno went to the cube and shattered it. "Remember me?" He asked, picking you up. " get my sister for a few you rescue me?" You said, weakly. Igno laughed. "That is correct!"

Link and Anna could move. Link ran as fast as he could to you. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

You were on the floor while Igno helped Dawn. Link hugged you tightly. "You're okay.." You hugged back. Link took out a red potion. "Drink this. It doesn't taste bad." He smiled.You took the potion and felt so much better. "Thank you." You stood up. Link helped you.



"Can I tell you something..but like..later?"

"Sure." He said. You saw the man on the floor. "All of you are weak! You deserve to die!"


"I want your power for master and me." The man said. "This land is next."

"Who is your master?" Link asked. "I will never tell you! I want you gone!" The man faced down and cried.

"Uhh..." You and Link looked at each other. "I had a child..but she was cursed..I wanted to erase everyone who had magic.." The man whimpered. Dawn pulled his head and slammed it against the ground. "Yet you use it! Stop lying."

" wife convinced me to do it. In order to delete magic, I need to have it first. Search for my kid..she was left in the forest...I also had another kid...but I was not her biological father..! I found her! She had the ability of a demon!"

"What ability?" Igno asked.

"She could control..water.." The man said.

Dawn let go of him. Link look at the man then at you. The man stood up. "Thanks!" And blasted Igno and Dawn. "(Y/N) great it is to see you."

"HE is your father? Not biological but.." Link stopped. "I don't know! I don't remember anything!"

"You lost your memory when you fell off that cliff. Your mother dropped you because of what you had." The man started walking towards you.

Link threatened him with his sword. "You said you had another child in the forest..?"

"Oh yeah..the ability of the wind.. I left her in the forest. But..."

You and Link didn't want to hear it.

"She's dead."

"Her name was so similar to my wife's..." He said.

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