Chapter 4

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Found but lost

Your sister was nowhere to be found. "Where could she be?" You said on Link's back. "They wasted our time and we don't have any clues." Link said. "Guys! boss.." The kid said.

A woman came from behind him. She looked fierce and strong. "Wow.."

"So..these are the two girls you wanted me to meet, Milo?" She asked the boy. "Yes!..and the one standing is a boy.." He whispered.

She got close and stopped."I sense evil in one of you. Separate now!" Link carefully placed on the ground with a I-don't-trust face and stood next to you. "It's you." The woman said. "Don't worry, it can be fixed. Milo, you didn't heal her correctly."

"What're you going to do to her?" Link asked. "I'm going to do whatever I do when I fight evil." She responded. "That'll kill her!!" Milo shouted. The woman knocked you out. "Great. Less things to worry about."

Link was about to run to save you but someone hugged him tightly from behind. "What the.."

Someone else kidnapped Milo. "No!!" The woman turned from purple smoke to the man from before. "You idiot!" Link struggled to get out but he couldn't. "You want to see what I have done to that little girl?" He asked, grinning. A monster came up from the ground. The same size as an average human..but it kept screaming. Link had chills just by hearing it. "Bella, was it? Well, you are welcomed to eat your big brother..!"

"That can't be! You have to be lying!"

The monster walked towards Link, very slowly. "Go on, Bella."

You weakly opened your eyes to the screams. "Bella..?"

The man turned around. "Yes, that is your sister. Let's enjoy watching her eat the hero."

"Bella.." You stood up but you were still hurting. "Stop... I know you wouldn't do something like that. So listen to me only!" The monster stopped walking and screaming. "Si.."

"You have to be kidding me!!" The man smacked the monster. "She's not even your real sister!! Why would you go to her?!"

Link came out of the being's arms and you two came running to the man, trying to attack him for hurting Bella. The man called for his other monsters to grab you and Link. "Let me go!!" Link yelled. "Leave her alone!!!" You used all your strength.

"'re alone and have no one in this world. You were never good enough for your parents, that's why they left you. Then you were in danger by the hands of this devil."

"(Y/N)..? Link..? (Y/N)?!"

You tried getting out but couldn't. "Bella! Don't listen to him!"

"Am..I not..your sister?"

"You are-"

"Lies! Why do you think she has these abilities you don't have?!" The man said. "Bella! Just because she's not your blood sister doesn't mean she doesn't love you!" Link shouted. "You're just a child, I know. That's why he's trying to get to you!"

You noticed she had the necklace you and Link gave her. Still a sapphire. "You see that? That is the gift we gave you for your said it yourself, it came from the people you love the most!"

" lied!!" The monster snatched the necklace and crushed it. The man was getting what he wanted. Seeing pieces of the blue gem fall to the floor broke your heart. "Stop.."

You two fell as the beings left. "Back where we were." Your heard the man say. The monster ran all the way to Link but you stopped it with your power. The monster punched you and sent you across the floor. It also hurt Link. The man's evil plan was working. You were losing.

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