Part 3: Chapter 9

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End and Beginning

"Link?! Link!" You ran to him. He heard your voice. "(Y/N)?" He ran to you. Behind him was, Bella, Darya, Elara, Igno and Dawn. You and Link caught each other. "It's you! Oh, Link!" You hugged him. "I was so scared that I'd never see you again. My powers are gone at the moment, but everything's alright now!" You felt Link hug you in return. "I thought I lost you the moment you were thrown into that portal. What kind of hero would I be if I couldn't save my own friend?" Link held your face, looked at you in the eyes, smiled and kissed you.

You let him, you waited for this moment for some time now. As you two separated, you blushed.

Elara came over to you. "(Y/N). I think you know what must be done."

You nodded. Your hands touched as you got the Sun's orb out of your being. Link held you as you fell onto the ground. Someone came out of the orb. Their father. He took a look at his family and smiled. Bella stayed with you. "No!!!!" Adonis came. Elio, who was the father, grabbed Adonis with ease and slammed him onto the ground. Link's hand was suddenly glowing, so was the Master Sword. He took it out. "Huh?"

Adonis pushed Elio away and as he was about to attack, Link stabbed him. The Universe's orb came out of him. Adonis turned to Link's direction. "(Y/N). Help me!!!" He screamed in pain.

Elio placed his hand on Adonis's head. "Execution for you." And blasted him completely. Void was coming out of the orb. Once he did, his family went to hug him.


Days passed after that day. All your powers were gone. The orbs belonged to their rightful owners. Turns out, Darya was from the past. Meaning, she has seen two guys named 'Link' now!

Void and Elio worked things out. So did he and Elara. Igno and Dawn got treatment for being in Adonis's body for so long, but they rather work on anything they're involved with every now and then. Bella is a new orb, so she's the rightful owner of hers. She practices sometimes by herself, she has fun.

Then there's Link. He was the same, but he seemed happier, specially around you. You two spent more time together, you liked it a lot.  Everything was so much better now.

You received a letter from Darya. It said to visit the kingdom on her favor. You and Link said "Okay!"

As you two entered the new kingdom, you two looked around in amazement. "(Y/N)!" You heard Darya shouted. She waved at you as you waved back. Link got side-tracked so it was just you and her. "Listen, we're having a festival tonight." She said. 'That's cool!" You responded. "I know and I'd like you to be in it!" You felt flattered. "What can I do?" You asked. "Nothing much, I'd just like to give you something that actually belongs to you." She said.

Your first thought was the Water's orb, but she could never give it back to you, I mean-

You saw the Water's orb right before your eyes. "You can't be serious."

"I am! You were born with this orb, (Y/N). I just belong in another age, but you, YOU belong in this one with this!" She lifted up the orb. It was a good deal. You did kinda miss controlling water. It used to be so much fun. "I don't know what to say.." But, you've been pretty good without it lately.

Link came in. "Hey, (Y/N). I don't know whether I'm having an allergic reaction or a bug just took a good suck out of me, but I feel like passing out."


You took care of Link, and thought about Darya. What about her family? What about the citizens? Would you be the new princess? You asked yourself so many questions until Link asked you one. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your singing?" You stared into the nothingness. "I believe that might've left with the Water's orb." Things you loved involved the orb. So you thought about it very well. "Link, we're going somewhere fun tonight!"


Everyone was dancing, eating, partying. You and Darya went to the stage, where everyone's eyes were locked onto. "Here's to a new age!" Darya shouted, letting out the Water's orb. Once it was out, it went into you, creating a burst of a blue light. Now, your singing came back. You brought Link by the hand to the stage, and just like that, you two danced at the Ordon spring with such joy.

{ The End }

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