Part 3: Chapter 4

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Every night, he heard her. Her songs relaxed him.

This time he danced with her.

He wanted this to last. Loved every minute of it, especially her humming. She would lead him. Her aura made her look gracefully. He was always around her and she felt safe with him.

She was destined to be with him. Until the end.


At the moment, you and Link were running through a storm. You two looked around for shelter. Behind you two was a monster. "I can't see, Link. I can't attack!" You two held hands to stay together. "I can't either! We just need to keep running."

You met a dead end and gasped. You saw the monster's silhouette. You and Link were ready to attack anywhere. "Stay back!"

The monster was about to attack...kill both of you, until someone came. As the monster fell, the storm was clearing off. That someone stood where the sun shunned.

She wore a tunic of black and white. She moved away from the sunlight.

You and Link stared at her.

"Sorry.." She said. Both of you got off-guard because of your sweet and soothing her voice sounded. She turned and she was the prettiest woman you've ever seen. You and Link stood there. How can someone like her exist?


She gave fed both of you. "It's dangerous out there."

"Yes, but we're not alone." Link responded. You noticed the woman had a beautiful pendant. It has a symbol on it that felt...familiar. She looked at you and you looked away. "Uhm...thank you so much for this!" You smiled. She gave a goddess-like smile. "What's your name, little one?"


"I love that name..your name is a rare one, my dear. It's the name of the great queen who ruled over the universe." She said. "Anyways, can you go get me a bundle of wood?"

"Yes, ma'am!" You said, walking to the woods. Link was in front of the woman, not saying a word. "If you don't mind me asking, are you the holder of the Triforce of Courage?" She asked.

"..Yes." Link responded. "Amazing.."

"So..what's your name?" Link asked. "

"Elara." She said. "Where were you two heading before the storm hit?" She asked. "Home. HER home. It's in danger..."

"I see.."

You came back with the bundle of wood. "Here you go." You placed it down. "Thank you, my dear." Elara smiles. "Link, shall we go?"

Link nodded and grabbed his stuff. "Wait!" Elara shouted as you two stopped. "I want to go with you. I want to help!"


"Thank you for letting me come with you!" She exclaimed.

You three entered the kingdom. Everyone was...okay. All of them were happy to see you. It all felt odd. Elara wore a cloak that covered her face completely.

"I wonder how you can walk around here." She told Link. "What..?"

You three walked inside the castle.

"My queen!" The soldiers shouted. "You're back, thank the gods!"

Elara walked to stand in front of the throne. "I'm glad you're dead. I was never happy being around you. You always considered me to be a dangerous presence in this kingdom. I always believed in hope..for my children. Only two of them are caused them to be like this..where are the rest of my children?"

You and Link heard her. "Children..?"

She turned. "I am deeply sorry. For years, everyone believed the wife of the light was dead. For years, I've mourned the loss of my child long lost in the depths of this world. For years, I loathed the sunlight and the pain it caused me. I received a sunlight that not only did it revived my soul but made my heart warm." She walked towards you.

"I escaped, knowing everything would turn into chaos. Every day, I lived with the thought knowing my absence would take affect my children in every terrible way possible. For THAT, I am sorry."

"Decades ago, I was labeled queen of this kingdom. I never thought that I deserved that name. I would never have the power to defend my people."

Link's eyes widen. "The last orb we never knew existed.."

"The moon orb."

"I knew someone of my blood deserved the crown. Not me..Not your father, (Y/N)." Elara turned into someone dressed like a royal. It was her original form. She took her crown off and placed it on top of your head. "My daughter.." She bowed down.


You brought Bella over to the kingdom, along with the child. Bella was laying down on your bed, reading a book while you changed the baby's diaper. Link came in with food for you four to eat.

You ate grilled chicken. Link ate pumpkin soup. Bella ate a cheeseburger. The baby ate baby food. "Did you name him already?" Link asked. "Yeah.. Ó Tarquinius..." You said. Link stayed silent. " him Noah."

Your mother came in. "I need someone strong to help me. Link, please come with me."

Link nodded. "Alright..see you later." He said to you. "Yeah.."

Elara walked next to him. "Why're you here, Link?" She asked. "To help (Y/-"

"How are you here? Ages ago, we hated your kind, Link." She said. "What..?"

"Hylians were in war and you decided to include our people in it! Many were killed. You Hylians are dumb enough to realize what you all have." Elara's voice turned from sweet to sour. Warm to cold. "How is this on me?" Link asked. "If you weren't on (Y/N)'s sight, you'd be dead by now."

You noticed Noah cooing. He stared at the night sky, like if there was something. "Nothing.." You checked. "

"You don't belong here, stupid kid!" Elara shouted.

You sensed something around this castle. It was the men in black from a long time ago that invaded Lake Hylia. You saw them and quickly grabbed the kids. Bella was carrying the baby and you carried her. You saw one of the men head over to the castle. "No!" You protected the kids from the explosion that all of them caused together. Everyone outside saw the castle fall.

For everyone inside the castle, everything went black.


You opened your eyes. Noah and Bella were just fine, thanks to the sun orb that created a shield. "(Y/N)! Wake up!" Bella shouted. You stood up very weakly. "I'm here..are you okay? you aren't injured?" You asked her. "I'm okay, so is Noah." She said. You picked them up and searched for Link.


Link coughed and tried to get out of the walls that fell. He was filled with concrete dust. 'I need to find (Y/N)!" He thought.

Elara walked by him. "This is your fault!!!" She yelled at him as she left him. "Dammit!!" Link kept trying to get out.

You used all of your strength to keep on walking. You too, were covered in concrete dust and your forehead had blood spilling. Earlier, you hit yourself with a part of a wall.

"Where's Link?" Bella asked. "I don't know, will you help me search for him?" Bella nodded.

"Are we going to be okay?"

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