Part 2: Chapter 3

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Flamme morte

You don't have to anything else. We understand plenty." Link said. Bella stood there. "They ordered me to kill you two..but I won't." Bella smiled. You and Link smiled back.

"We need to go to them." Link said.

"But how? We have nothing with us." You responded.

"(Y/N), you and me are part of them..but not fully. We need to be stronger. They always come from a portal.." Bella said. "Link, you know the temple in this desert..right?" She asked. Link nodded.


Walking on the long, dry and hot desert, you saw a village nearby. "I have NEVER seen that before." Link said. "I'd like some water, (Y/N)." Bella looked up. "Let's stop there."

Entering the village in the middle of desert, people danced and sang. Not all of them
but mostly. "What brings you travelers?" They sang. "Some water." Link said. They stopped. "Take them!!"

Guards surrounded all of you. Grabbing you, aggressively. "Ow! Get off me!!"

They tried taking Bella. "(Y/N)! Link!" Suddenly, she turned invisible. Everyone stopped. "Bella?" You and Link called. "Well, isn't this nice? I turn into air!"

Bella made the guards fly mid air to let go of you and Link.

The people started dancing again. "What is going on?!" Link asked. You started walking somewhere else. "Let's just search. Bella, you can let go of them."

"Okay!" Bella made the guards fall to the ground and followed you. "Good job." Link said.

As you walked, you saw one of the girls dancing and noticed she looked a bit familiar. You looked at her more carefully. She was that girl that was being chased by the man. You placed your hand on Link's arm. "Link..It's her.."


"The girl that I told you about who was being chased and asked me for help, Link! That's her!" You sounded hysterical. "(Y/N). Calm down."

"What's she doing here..? I thought she was killed..!" You questioned. "Maybe she survived. These people are new-" Link stopped. He saw his village best friend dancing. "Ilia..? it really you?!" Link ran to her. Ilia noticed and ran away. He stopped. "What..?"

"I don't like this.."

"Link, get away from there."


Link walked back to you.

"This's a ghost any other in this damned place!" Link grunted as he fell to the ground, screaming in pain. "Link?!"

He turned into a wolf. The one from before. You sighed. "I see..this has done a major effect on you.."

"We must go.." You hugged him. You three kept walking. The sun was beginning to leave. "Oh boy." You said.  The air started to get really cold. You felt chilly. "Stay here..I'm going to find some wood..if there is.." You told Wolf Link. You walked and noticed he followed, with Bella on him. "Alright."


"Aha!" You found a bundle of wood. You carried it where you all were. "Now.." You grabbed two pieces of wood and started kindling them together. Fire started to appear. Wolf Link placed sticks and leaves there would be more fire. Bella rubbed her hands together. "Warm.." Your eyes felt heavy as it got late. When you couldn't stay up anymore, you fell asleep.

Bella had fallen asleep too.

"It's unusual for it to be this cold. Yeah sure, it's night at the desert but it was never freezing like this." Link said. He had turned back into his human form. He carried Bella and placed her next to you. "Don't worry..they'll pay." He said. Link stayed up to protect you two. Out of the sudden, the ground was shaking. You and Bella woke up. "

"What was that?!"

"I don't know..Get up!" Link took the master sword out of its sheath. "Follow me." You and Bella did.



He screamed in pain. "Stop!!"


"You heard that?" Link asked. You nodded. You three were already inside of Arbiter's Grounds.

Going into the main/boss room, you saw Igno.

"Igno? What're you doing to that man..?" You asked. "(Y/N)! You're alive!" He walked and hugged you. "We were so worried so we hunt down anyone who was alive for you!"

You walked passed him and went to the man who was already bleeding.

Igno saw Bella. Link pulled her to his side.

"I'm sorry for this, stranger." You looked at him as he collapsed to the ground, no longer breathing.

"I know what you did. What BOTH of you did." You said, your back facing Igno. "What?"

Igno dodged as Link swings the Master sword. "Nice plan bringing me to a place where there is no water."

Link handed you a boomerang. "It's easy to use." He said.  Igno's flames turned on and headed to Link. You used the power of the boomerang, and Bella used her wind to turned them off. Link grabbed him and slammed onto the floor, ready to stab him.

Igno turned them on again and burned Link's right hand. He got out and pushed you out of the temple, along with him. "(Y/N)!"

Igno was carrying your all the way up to the night sky. "Let me go! It's for your good!!" You shouted. "NO! It's for YOUR GOOD! You don't understand what you did..but you will soon."

"Stop!! This is suicide!"

You started to get cold. His flames began to turn off, but he kept flying up. You saw a body of water and brought it up as fast as it could. Once it was there, you filled Igno with water.

He stopped. You grabbed him and tried to slow down the fall. When you landed, you let go. Link came running to you.

You heard Igno cough. "S-Stop..I'm only..doing my job..!"

"You tried to kill my sister!..then tried to 'fix her' like she's an object! Everyone in Hyrule is gone!"

"I..we...did not try to kill your sister..."
Link turned to you. You turned and took Bella with you.


Link came to you and handed you an orb. "I thought..."

"A trick it was." He said. "Just to get you worried."

You took the orb.

You three went back to Faron woods and made a camp there. Bella was sleeping. The night was windy, like if it was about to rain. It felt..nice.

You stood there. Staring into the darkness of the forest. Thinking of how your life would be without it. How her life would be..and his.

Him. How was his life like before I came? I bet it was better.

"It really wasn't." You heard. "Huh?"

"The orb." You grabbed it. "What?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you don't have a normal life..with normal siblings..normal parents.." It was Igno's voice. "After heading of Void, I wanted that too's just had to deal with it and wait 'till I'm dead."

You sat on the floor.

"(Y/N). Can..I ask you something..?"

You pouted. "Ask away."

"You..have feelings for Link, don't you?"

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