Part 3: Chapter 7

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Bella hid in the trees. She was sweating and panting from all the running. She covered her mouth so she wouldn't make much noise.

A villager tried helping by offering their hand. She was about to take it, but right before her eyes, they died. They got cut in half. Zelda was behind the stranger. Bella began running to Hyrule field.

You and Link ran as fast as you two could.

You two saw Zelda standing in the field. "Where is she?!"

"I have no idea. She ran somewhere else. Damn."

Link steps forward. "Go search..I fought evil Zelda once, I can do it again." He said. You nodded and ran away.

You ran through the night, screaming her name. "Bella! Bella?! Bella, where are you?"

You found a piece of her clothing. "No!"

Bella kept on running as she heard her name, thinking it was Zelda.

"Bella! It's me, (Y/N)!"

Bella looked back and tripped, falling, holding onto the edge of a high cliff. You got close and saw her fingers. "Bella! Don't worry, you're saf-"

As you ran to get her, Bella wasn't strong enough to hold on so she let go and had a long fall. "No!!!" You jumped and tried to catch her. You were close. You quickly slowed down the fall and ended up on the floor. Bella was breathing heavily, she was traumatized. You held her close. "You're okay, you're okay.."

You stood up and ran back to Link. You saw Zelda on the ground.

You were about to attack, but Void on in the way. Void surrounded her with stars that sticked to her skin and cause an explosion.

You created a hand filled with sunlight and crushed her. "(Y/N)!!" Link ran to you. He held you in order for you to stop.

"Stop!! (Y/N)!!!"

You began crying. Void used all of his strength to stop you. Your eyes began glowing as you created an explosion that would attack everyone around, but you couldn't control it.


Elara protected Link. "(Y/N)!"


You opened you eyes and found yourself in a random place. A woman was there, standing. For some reason, you felt familiar. "Hello? Who're you?"

"I'm you..from the past.." She looked different from you and a little more taller. "This is my descendant? Not bad."

You looked down. "This is why our kind never wanted you to become someone with feelings. It could ruin your stability." She said. "You look tired, (Y/N)."

She offered you her hand. "You know what's for the best."

You took her hand. The water orb you've been having your whole now being passed on. Everything you had in the orb is now gone. As everything finished, your sight became white.


The woman stood there, in front of everyone.

Void and Elara recognized her. Link was confused. As Void and Elara went to hug her, Link didn't know what to do.

"Where's (Y/N)...?"

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