Part 2: Chapter 6

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You went to Link's house to grab his equipment. The Ordon sword. Bow and Arrow and bombs.

You had all of the orbs you needed. Getting them out, they form a portal. You got in.


In a place full of strange beings, they all saw the portal and you come out of it. "Soldiers!!" They screamed.

"My lord, she's here."

"Bring her in."

You slaughtered some of the civilians, including the soldiers.

"My lord! She's killing everyone!"

"What?!" He stood up.

"I'll go ahead and send our finest troops there!"

He saw a sight full of blood.

You looked up and saw him. "Give me everyone back!"

"Come here and we'll talk." He said. Their troops surrounded you. You walked inside the castle.


"(Y/N). I don't have them. I understand your anger, but you can't just go out on a killing spree!"

You got your sword. "Aren't you a god or something?! Why can't you do something about this?! The unnecessary magic going around?"

"It is not my job."

You looked down.

"Even if you're the biggest, you can't do anything. (Y/N), you had to kill your siblings to bring peace...around Hyrule. What about yourself? You will be haunted by their names forever for something that will keep on coming for decades." He said.

"But.." He stood up. "No one could stop you. Even if I manage to, you will keep going. Link." He took out a glowing spear.

"You have an orb." You said.


You were walking, limping. Injuries all over your body. The castle had been destroyed. Holding onto a spear. You needed to get underground. Link was there. Minutes later, you stumbled upon a cell. You looked inside. "Link?"

You see a pointy ear moved. The figure stood up. "(Y/N)?!" Link went to the bars where you were and held your face. "You're injured.."

You were about to pass out to you handed Link the spear. "Here. Use it." You moved back and sat down. Link knocked down the bars and got out. He hugged you. "Link." Your voice cracked. "I want to get rid of them."


"They haunt me. These powers are dangerous."

"Wait. You killed your-"

You nodded. Link gave you a health potion and made you drink it. You gulped. "Thanks.." Link carried you on his back. "Everything will be alright."

"Where's Anna?" You asked. "Isabella took her."

Far from the castle, you told Link to let you down. Standing up, you raised your hands but the ground started to shake. From the castle, everything started to sink down. "!" You and Link started running. "How did you get here?" Link asked. "The portal!"

The orb came out and created the portal far away. You started to see black smoke and stars.

"Keep running!!"

You and Link jumped into the portal. The portal started to open. "Huh?!"

The black smoke and stars were taking over. "No!!" You held it back with you powers. Link held you hand and lifted it up, creating a bubble full of light and you two were inside it. You turned to him. "I saw your dad do it."

"And you're not concerned?!"


Suddenly, everything around was like space. Nothing but darkness and stars. "As long as you're okay, I'm better."

You felt someone approach. You turned and saw someone with black hair and eyes. "Sooner or later, they will make more." He said.


"You. Dawn. Igno. Bella." He kept going. "How do you know all this?!"

"I'm your oldest brother, (Y/N)."


"Now...give me all of the orbs, including yours!" He commanded. "But-"

"To put an end to this!!(Y/N), do the right thing!" You were backing up. Link grabbed your hand and both of you started running. "Link, he's gonna chase us!"

"I saw a bridge nearby-"

"No! I will give them to him." Link stopped and so did you. "And let him conquer the universe?!"

"He was sent away for a reason! Father never saw the potential his children had and made them servants! I was lucky!!" You shouted. "This is my only chance. If..If it fails, I'll go with it. I'll exchange the orbs for the Triforce. All three of them!"

"So?" You heard Void. "What will you do with them?"

"I will stop father from doing more. The earth, fire, water and wind will be nothing more. No more Dawn, Igno, you and Bella."

"No!" Link went in front of you. "You can't do this!" You held his cheek. "Don't worry." Void was sent by a water punch. "You will have the Triforce."

You heard Void's laugh. "That's cute.."

You grabbed Void with all of you strength and ability. "You can't create a black hole here!"


"Where is the Triforce?!"

"That woman!! She has it!"

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