Chapter 5

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You worked on something for quite some time. Blue dress and a wide waist ribbon that was white. A pendant with a small painting inside. It was you, Bella and Link together..smiling. Link had given it to you. It meant everything.

It had been 3 weeks since..Bella. Link searched almost everyday for clues about the man.

It was night and you walked out and heard horrified screams. A girl was running towards you. "Help me!!!"

"What's wrong?! What happened?!"

"She..them..they're trying to kill me!!" The girl said. Milo was behind you. "Look!"

You saw a man. Not the one you wanted. "My family..has been..killed!!" The girl cried. Link wasn't with you. "I'm the youngest of them.."

The man looked terrible. Those people who became monsters? He became one of them but..this looked failed. Blood all over with cuts and bruises. Milo used his bow. You brought water in and created a shield for the man to stay away. The man broke shield and grabbed the girl, aggresively and punched you and Milo. In a blink of an eye, he was gone. So was the girl.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?!" Link came to you. "Link? Did you see a girl?! And-and a man?!" Link was confused. "No. I was walking back and then..I saw you in the ground. What happened..?" He lifted you up. "This girl..she came running to me and begged for help..then I see this man..he has blood and looked injured..where's Milo?"

"He's asleep."

"No way! He was behind me! He even said "Look out!"

You and Link went inside the house. You see Milo, sleeping like a baby. "What...?"

Link placed his hand on your forehead. "You aren't sick."

"No. I'm not! Link, that was real!"

"Did he hurt you?"He asked.

"Yes. He punched me."

Link squeezed your cheek. "Does that hurt?"

You gasped. "..No."

"Hmm. I do believe you. But.." As he talked, you heard people screaming. You two went out and saw people running. "These are the villagers! Rusl!" Link shouted. "Link! Run!!" Rusl kept running with his two kids and his wife.

He pointed north, where Hyrule castle was at. A light with several colors. Blue, green and red.

That light was killing everything in its way and it spreaded throughout Hyrule. "What.." Link said under his breath.

You ran to grab Milo and Link went to the village where everyone was. It started to get windy and rained. "Milo.." You held him. "Go with Link!"

He ran to Link and everyone to be safe. You went to the Ordon spring.

Link tried cheering up the children that everything was going to be fine.

You brought in all the water that was left and pushed it against the light. Link was no longer with the villagers. He pulled you and Milo. "Link!" You called out as the wind was blowing even harder. "I'm sorry!" He yelled. "Sorry? For what..?"

"For not saving Bella. It was my duty as what I'm named and I couldn't do anything!"

"Link.." You hugged him. "You can't save everyone..and you just have to move on.."

Milo joined in on the hug. The evil magic got closer and closer. Without seeing it, the light spirit appeared and protected the three of you.


"Hero chosen by the and her need to find the people who survived. Or are about to."


You opened your eyes and saw yourself on the ground. The spring water was almost gone. Looking around, everything was dead. The trees. Plants. Animals. The sky was cloudy, making the atmosphere look completely gray. You saw Milo next to you. Searching for Link, you saw a sleeping wolf. "Wah!!" You flinched. While it was asleep, you pulled Milo away. The beast woke up. "Stay back!" You shouted. The wolf was black with white on its sides. His eyes looked familiar. It didn't seem to do anything, just sat down like any wolf and looked down. "Wait...Link..?"

The wolf lifted its head up. "Link? that you?!" He walked over to you and cuddled on your leg. You got down and hugged him. "Oh! Link! You're okay..well kinda." You said, glad that he was alive. You saw him wag his tail and chuckled.


Milo was on Wolf Link and you walked by his side. Getting out of dead Faron woods, you two saw Hyrule field. You sighed. "Link..isn't Hyrule castle in the center..?" He nodded. Hyrule castle had fallen. You saw Wolf Link having a sad and angry expression. "Everything's going to be fine, right? We need to stay together." Emotionally and physically. You two kept walking. The mission now was to find shelter or someone.

Entering Kakariko village, it was a ghost town. All you could hear was your foot steps and the chain on his leg.  

Out of the nowhere, you two see someone sprinting towards you. It did not look normal. Milo got off Wolf Link's back. Link attacked the being. You looked at it carefully and it seemed similar to the man you had seen the other day. Different person but..the blood and injuries. Not to mention the color of their skin. Pale.

"It looks like the man that I told you about, Link. It's not him but.."

Checking every building, no one was alive. Everyone was gone. People that Link knew had been turned into those kind of beings. It hurt him to see them like this. Moving forward, you went to Hyrule castle town. Everyone was sick. You couldn't last long there. It was no use.

Zora's domain. Again.
Death mountain. Nothing.
Hidden village? Wasn't worth to see those cats and Impaz.

In Ordon village, all of Link's family were there. You pulled Wolf Link. "How about Gerudo desert?" The wolf gave you this look 'No one is alive there, (Y/N).' He thought.

"Uh? Guys? Can we check where I live? It's not in Hyrule so.."

Wolf Link turned quickly and started walking out. You followed. Milo riding Wolf Link, said something you and Link didn't know.

"Y'know..I have big brother back home. Reminds me a lot of you two. Strong, caring."

Link looked up at you. " have someone back home? You're not worried..that maybe-"

"I'm taught to be independent.  Not to be scared. Not to worry. I try not to think about it everytime I encounter danger on path." Milo said. You looked down. Walking for a few more minutes, Link noticed you looked tired. He wanted to be human so bad. You two stopped walking.

"What the..?" There was no more dead grass. By this far, it was green. "It stopped here..your brother might be alive." You kept walking. Wolf Link passed the line and you heard Milo scream. "Ow!" Turning around, you saw Link bending over. "I'm human again! Yes!!"

You were about to run over to him until someone shouted. "Stay back! I will attack! The three of you saw a teen, a year older than you and Link, with a sword.

"Brother!" Milo ran to him. "Milo!!" They both hugged tightly and played a little.

"Guys! This is my brother, Dilo."

"Hey, nice to meet you."


I saw this video once that a woman was trying to enter another woman's house. The one who lived there got her gun out and shouted "I HAVE A GUN, I WILL SHOOT!!!" or something like that..soo..."Stay back, I will attack!" :\

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