chapter 1

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Hi I'm Mia Mia Lone and I'm 17 years old
I have dark brown hair with a tint of red in it brownish greenish yellowish eyes
and I live with my mom since my dad cheated on her when I was 6
so I'm in dance right now in Dallas Texas where I live to see if i get to move to Oregon for the biggest competition ever like ever so let's see how this goes

Ur part starts at 5:48 when ur the only girl dancing

Judge: thank u thank u for all the lovely dancers u all did amazing but unfortunately only 1 if u can go on to Oregon to compete for the champion ship so the person who I think think really worked super hard is.... Mia Tone

Mia: wait really omg thank u so much

Ur P.O.V
So let's just say there's this named Amy who thinks she rules the world because her dad is rich so then she had run her mouth but luckily I had my bestie Lily with me she always knows how to cheer me up

Amy: how did she win I did so much better

Lily: well maybe if u had a better attitude u would have won but Mia worked so hard her whole life for this opportunity and she deserves it more than anyone so go crying back to ur daddy about because no one cares what u think

Ur point of view
The whole place started clapping for lily for standing up Amy because no one else would

Mia: thanks lily

Lily: I would do anything for u ur my best friend now let's go to ur house and show ur mom

Mia: I'm sorry but u cant come over today my mom wants me to meet her boyfriend

Lily: oh that sucks

Mia: I mean I'm happy for her but I'm scared I won't like him but if it makes my mom happy then I'm happy for her

Lily: good for u well I'll see u later love u

Mia: love u to

Ur point of view
So I am happy for my mom but her and this guy have been dating for super long and I'm hoping he will change things for her and she gets to be who she wants to be and is happy but I am just not going to get my hopes up just Incase he's not a good guy

So Mia was lost in her thoughts all the way home she was so scared but so happy at the same time but u knew u we're going to tell ur mom at dinner and dinner was in 30 min

Mom: hey honey so dinner is now in 29 Mia so go get ready

Mia: ok

U went up to ur room and started going through ur closet then u found an outfit u wanted to wear but something fancy but u didn't care

Ur outfit Is Gabbie's outfit

U walked down stairs to find Amy's dad kissing ur mom ur mouth went wide open

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U walked down stairs to find Amy's dad kissing ur mom ur mouth went wide open

Mia: ur dating Amy's dad

Mom: honey I know u don't like Amy but please be happy for me

Mia: fine

U started eating dinner and then u decided to bring up how ur going to Oregon

U lifted up the paper Thant shows ur going to Oregon

Mia: I'm going to Oregon

Mom: omg yes u deserve this honey congratulations so when do u leave for Oregon

Mia: well I leave in 2 weeks and then we're there together for a year

Mom: honey I can't go with u

Mia: what why

Mom: she lifted up her hand to show a ring

Mia: ur getting married.....

Thank u so much for watching I hope u enjoy this series I am going to try and post 1 every day or every other day so comment some ideas for this imagine please vote to but thanks again for watching 665 words

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