chapter 7

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U we're thinking it was Daniel when u opened ur eyes it was Jonah but why would it be Jonah Jonah likes lily right u squeezed urself out of his grip and got up u walked downstairs to see corbyn and lily cuddled up with each other watching the movie
Mia: lily can I talk to u
U realized that Daniel was still watching the movie because he turned around when he heard ur voice
Lily: yea sure
U both walk into the kitchen
Mia: i thought u liked Jonah
Lily: um well i thought u did to but then corbyn like he's adorable and I think I like corbyn more
Mia: ok well I was just confuzled because I was cuddling with Jonah
Lily: oh well u need some rest so goodnight Bebe
Mia: night

(I decided to make lily me because well I am in corbyns lane and I switch with Jonah like the lane will swerve into Jonah's cause well Jonah's freakin so sexy like yea I'm gonna stop talking now)

U walked up to Daniels room and saw the light on in the bathroom so u knocked no answer u knocked again no answer u opened the door and you turned the light off then layer down to n the bed
30 min later
U still couldn't fall asleep so u walked down stairs and saw Daniel asleep and corbyn and lily gone so u shook Daniel
Mia: Daniel Daniel wake up daniel
Daniel: what
Mia: I can sleep come cuddle with me
Daniel: ok
I both walked up the steps to his room and u plopped down and he took his shirt off so u could see his 8 pack
Mia: well dang
Daniel: what
Mia: how do u have an 8 pack I only have a 6 pack lucky
Daniel: idk
He layed down next to u and started cuddling with u u turned to look at him but he was already looking at u
Daniel: u really pretty
Mia: thanks ur not to bad urself
Daniel: ha I'm not that gre--
U kissed him he kissed back which turned into a make out session and he stared nibiling at ur bottom lip u both then pulled away u gave him 1 more peck
Mia: night dani
Daniel: one more thing
Mia: what
Daniel: I know we just met but I am falling for u and I wanted to know if u would go out with me
Mia: we did just meet but why not
U are know dating someone it's been what 8 years I still can't believe my only other boyfriend was when I was 10
U then started falling asleep and woke up to someone shaking u
Lily: Mia wake up u have practice in
U jumped up
Lily: 3 hours and I'm hungry so I just need u to make some really good food
Mia: are serious u made me jump up since ur hungry
Lily: yea
Mia: I'll be down in a minute uh
Lily left and u realized Daniel wasn't there so u knew he was down stairs u went down stairs and whipped up some waffles and cut up some fruit after everyone was done eating they decided to go shopping
Jonah: who wants to go shopping
Everyone except Daniel: me
Daniel: I think I'm gonna stay here I don't wanna shop
Jonah: O well come on everyone
Mia: ok bye Dani
U gave him a kiss on the cheek
Daniel: bye babe
U all walked outside
Zach: what was that
Mia: we started dating like last night
Lily: oooh well dang
Everyone was in the car now
Mia: lily did u take out skateboards inside
Lily: yea why
Mia: let me go get it I need some new stickers on it
Jack: ok hurry
U tan inside and couldn't find it u went upstairs and saw Daniel making out with a mother girl
Mia: really already Daniel we just started dating
Daniel: Mia it's not what it looks like
Mia: so it's not u kissing a bother girl even tho ur girlfriend just left
Daniel: Mia I'm sorry
Mia: whatever were done
U ran downstairs and saw ur skateboard on the floor u grabbed it and started sorting away from the house
Call form lily
Mia: what (u said crying)
Lily: what's wrong
Mia; Daniel and I just started dating and when I walked in there he was making out with a nother
Lily: I'm sorry
u hung up and made it to the apartment u were in
Ur point of view
If no one can treat the really u right might as well change who I am it's time to become a rebal u grabbed a new outfit
Ur outfit

U walked up to Daniels room and saw the light on in the bathroom so u knocked no answer u knocked again no answer u opened the door and you turned the light off then layer down to n the bed 30 min laterU still couldn't fall asleep so u walked down...

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Ur choker

Ur chains

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Ur chains

Ur outfits are gonna be as rebel as bad ace as u want them to be because it's time people give u respect u decided to put on black lipstick after u finished getting ready u went to the mall and caught up with ur friends Jonah: woah uh Mia u look g...

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Ur outfits are gonna be as rebel as bad ace as u want them to be because it's time people give u respect u decided to put on black lipstick after u finished getting ready u went to the mall and caught up with ur friends
Jonah: woah uh Mia u look great
Mia: thanks u walked around with them for like an hour and then
Jack: we have to practice with ur team Mia for dance he said really fastly
Corbyn: he wasn't suppose to say that
Mia: that's fine we should probably go then I'm gonna skate there tho
Once u got into the studio all the girls looked ate u amazed
Tracie: I love that outfit on u Mia
Macie: yea it looks great
Saden: that's something I would wear
Riley: Mia I'm gonna have to talk to u later
Mia: why
Riley: I just will
Mia: whatever
Rachel: oh hey Mia
Mia: hi
Rachel: please go get changed for practice
Mia: ok
U went and got changed into some leggings and a crop top
Mia: ok I'm ready
Rachel: well Mia u get to do the only solo dance in this competition we have next week so girls go practice 2 weeks ages group dance
Rachel: ok so here's the song
She pointed at a clipboard
Rachel: now for this song u will need a partner and it is a guy so boys come in here
A bunch of boys came in but one caught ur eye
Thanks for watching I hope u injoyed this imagine sorry I didn't post for like what 2 days I'm gonna try to post everyday again so please vote and comment some ideas there were 1100 words in this imagine

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