chapter 11

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Hey so I'm a YouTuber please subscribe to my channel Why Don't We Imagines99 so please read my imagines on there now on to the story

Daniel: now that was mean
Mia: it's not mean if it's the truth
Everyone except Daniel: hahahahahahah
Daniel: ugh
Daniel walks upstairs and slams his door
Daniels point of view
I'm so happy I already cheated on her she's such an I don't even know ugh
End point of view
Jonah: well he was in a mood
Mia: he's just mad he cheated on an amazing Person ya know
Everyone: hahahahah
Zach: why are you so funny all of a sudden Mia I'm like dying because of you right now
Mia: I don't know what has Gotten into me lately
Jack: whatever it is it's awesome I'm just saying
Mia: well I'm tired so Jonah come on
Jonah: kk night everyone
Everyone: night

You and Jonah walk up to his room and you plop your body on his bed Jonah takes of his shirt as you roll over and Jonah layes on the ground

Mia: what are u doing
Jonah: going to sleep
Mia: why are you on the floor tho
Jonah: your probably not comfortable with me sleeping next to you and I don't want you to sleep on the floor
Mia: there's enough space on the bed come on your fine
Jonah: whatever

Jonah gets up and scoots to the edge of the bed and tries to fall asleep as your I'll over and cuddle up next to him Jonah roles over and raps his arms around you and starts cuddling with you
That next morning you woke up to the sound of cameras taking pictures you kept your eyes closed tho and listened to what they were saying you heard lily say

Lily: they would......

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