chapter 3

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I saw ur mom wasn't there nothing was there other than the pictures of u only u there was a note to on the counter where the toaster was but now it's gone so u opened the note
Dear my beloved daughter I am sorry to say that when u leave I won't be here I have moved in with Amy's dad aka my fiancé so unless u want to come to there house to say goodbye then goodbye I didn't want to wake u up when I left so I decided to make this note I love u stay safe and don't forget to lock the door
Love mom
Wow I can't believe my mom is all u thought but u had to leave for the airport in 15 min so u got ur stuff and went over to Lily's
Mia: so lily do u wanna know what my mom did no that doesn't work whatever
U we're trying to figure out how to tell her but u probably wouldn't tell her u knocked on the door and her brother opened the door here brother was always hot like he was only 1 year older than her (her brothers name is carter)
Carter: oh uh hey Mia
Mia: hey C so is lily ready or is she still packing
Carter: she's ready and she is like going crazy about leaving since I'm going to collage in Maine she won't have to see me basically ever
Mia: that's great for her
Carter: yea well I can go wait in her room if u want
Mia: ok thanks
U walked into her room and it was spotless like there was only here bed and her dresser filled with nothing nothing on the walls nothing
Lily: hey ok so since we're staying in an apartment I was thinking we could go shopping for stuff for our rooms in Oregon
Mia: yea that sounds good
Lily: what time do we need to leave
Mia: now
Lily: oh shoot let's go come on come on
U both got into ur moms old car and u start driving to a he airport when u got there u did all the check in stuff
(if I say stuff that doesn't happen in an airport I'm sorry I have never been on a plane or to an airport)
U we're on the plane to Oregon and what I didn't know was there was a surprise for u the plane landed and when u got ur stuff off the spinning thing and walked out to where u meet up with people a bunch of dancers from the dance team u we're going to had a big sign saying welcome to Oregon Mia
Mia: this is so cool thank u
??: I made the sign
??: oh come on we did it together
2 twin girls were fighting over who made the sign
??: hi I'm coach Megan u can call me Meg
Mia: hi nice to meet u this is lily she's the person I decided to have stay with me for this year
Meg: great so ladies introduce ur selves
Twin 1: hi I'm Tracie
Twin 2: hi I'm Macie
??: I'm Riley the only normal one
Mia: good to know
??: I'm Saden not to be mixed up with Satan
Mia: nice I think I'm gonna like this team better than my last I don't think any of you think ur the best and none of u are gonna be my sister so fun
Meg: ok we're gonna take u to ur apartment which is kinda by the dance studio and u girls will no actually have to go to school so ur lucky
Lily: yes yes yes yes yes no school no school no school
Mia: I love u so much but u need so much help
Lily: I know
I they take u to ur apartment and it is amazing the living room is amazing and the rooms were already decorated and it fits ur and Lily's description and what u guys love perfectly
Mia: I wanna practice a little so I'm gonna go practice
Lily: k bye
Everyone go vote at the teens choice awards so why don't we gets best group

Thanks for watching plz comment some ideas also if u comment a good idea u will get a shoutout but plz vote and I will try to post 1 a day I might post twice today there are 748 words in this imagine

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