chapter 17

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Daniel: so are u ready to go home
Mia: yea
Daniel: well let's go

Daniel and Mia get in Daniels car and start driving home when out of nowhere a car hits them on Mia's side

Mia: holy crap

The car starts spinning in circles as both of them are screaming the car finally stops spinning and they both stop screaming well at least Daniel does Mia's had flown out of the windshield of the car Daniel got out of the car and started looking for Mia

Daniel: Mia Mia where are u

Mia's point of view
I flew out of the windshield and landed in a pile of mud I can't feel my right foot or my right knee it has to be broken ugh it hurts so bad bit I also hear daniel calling for me

Mia: Daniel I'm over here in the mud

Daniels point of view
I am so scared I hope she's ok then I hear here calling me so i know she's now unconscious so that's good but I still can't see her

Daniel: where Mia
Mia: I'm over in the mud

Daniels point of view
Mud there's no mud anywhere maybe I'm just daydreaming about her maybe she's not talking to me but what ever or where ever she is I need to find her.

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- lily

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