chapter 27

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Mia and Christina have been talking for a while Mia was getting tired so she thinks it's time to leave
Mia: are u ready to go
Chris: yup
Mia: I took an Uber over here can you call one as I grab my charger
Chris: sure
Mia went and grabbed her charger then her phone started buzzing like someone was texting a bunch to her she looked at her phone and it was from an unknown number it read

Unknown: I know u don't know who I am but I found some pictures you might want to see look at your own risk

Mia: ok



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Unknown: these were posted on Instagram with the faces colored out

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Unknown: these were posted on Instagram with the faces colored out

Mia: wow that's crazy umm thank you I'm not gonna let this slid e this is the last straw

Unknown: thanks also you know who I am and you'll find out who texted you this eventually

Mia: ok thank you so much

Unknown: your welcome

Mia was deviated she had to see that and millions of thoughts were going through her mind not knowing what she should do but her thoughts were interrupted by Christina call for her that the Uber was here
Chris: Mia the Uber is here are u ok
Mia: yea I'm fine
Mia says as she walks out of her room
Chris: ok the drive will only be about 19 min ok
Mia: k
Mia was sad mad not sure if she should think they are real or fake it's crazy in the Uber Mia didn't say anything then the Uber guy turned on the radio to one of her fav songs Thumbs by Sabrina Carpenter and she starts singing louder than the music as Chris videos tapes her

After she finishes Chris starts to clap
Chris: that was so good omg
Mia: thanks
Once they finally get to the tour bus Mia is hesitant to get out of the car because of what she saw it scared her that it was true
Chris: Mia come in
Mia shook it off
Mia: right sorry
They walk up to the tour bus and Chris knocked and corbyn opened the door
Corbyn: omg Chris
Chris: hey how are you
Corbyn: I'm great come on in
Mia and Chris: thanks
Corbyn: boys the girls are here
Boys: yay
Mia: hey guys
Mia was talking to Jack when she locked eyes with the person she really didn't want to see at the moment Daniel.......

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Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed sorry I haven't been posting I've had basketball all week and then I sprained my ankle in Thursday but I'm ok anyways I hope you lived the drama because there will be more of that to come love you all


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