chapter 13

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Mia's point of view
I wonder if Jonah likes me I don't really like him tho I know I'm mad Daniel but he is still really cute and I'm sure it was just one mistake right so maybe that's what it is yea wait what day is it holy crap it's Saturday I have to get to the competition
Mia: everyone we need to go to the dance competition hurry
Everyone: yay
Everyone goes to the competition and Mia goes back stage to change after a while it was ur turn to go on Lacen and u both did the dance and once I finished Daniels jaw was dropped into the floor sis u went backstage changed into ur regular clothes then went back on the stage for awards
Person: thank u all for coming I hope u all injoyed so now it's time for the awards so in 3rd place...... Rebecca and micheal
In 2nd place....... Sara and trey
And in 1st place we have............. Mia and Lacen congratulations to everyone for doing there best and thank u for coming good day everyone
After everyone was over u went over to ur friends and hugged them all even Daniel.....
Daniels point of view
I'm and idiot I can't believe how stupid I am I gave up the perfect girl I have to change this I have to do something she's absolutely amazing ugh I'm so stupid......

I'm so sorry for not posting it's been a long couple weeks but i am hoping to start posting more often again but I hope u injoyed

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