chapter 26

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Daniel: that would be really cool and we have some friends that are YouTubers and they could help you
Mia: I don't know that would be a lot
Limelights: DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT
Mia: I'll think about it
The boys tell the fans thank you and everything then come off to see you
Everyone except Daniel: Mia
Mia: best friends
Corbyn: we missed you so so so much
Mia: I missed you guys to
Jack: so where are you staying
Mia: some hotel near here
Daniel: why don't you stay in our your bus
Mia: sure
Zach: guys I think it's time we got to the meet and greet
Jonah: oh yea

ll of them went to the meet and greet and Mia sat in a chair on the phone as they met all the fans some of the fans were like crazy and others were trying to keep chill but wasn't really working
Mia's pov
I should go get my stuff then I'll come back I should just tell dani
End pov
Mia: Daniel I'm gonna go get my stuff
Daniel: ok love you
Mia: love you to
Daniel kissed Mia on the four head
Limelight's: awww
Mia: whatever 😂
Mia went to her hotel and packed up her stuff as she was getting ready to leave she heard a scream and then some loud bagging on the door Mia looked through the peep hole to see a girl crying Mia let the girl in shut the door and locked it and then Mia starts to help the girl
Mia: hi I'm Mia
??: I'm Christina
Mia: wait Christina Marie
Chris: yea
Mia: your dating corbyn corbyn besson
Chris: yup howd you know
Mia: I'm dating Daniel
Chris: ohhhhhh your Mia corbyn tried explaining who you were but I was just confused
Mia: oh but one question
Chris: yea
Mia: what was happening out there
Chris: well one of my ex's lives here and I thought oh nothing would happen I was so wrong he showed up at my room with a knife I managed to climb out and run but he was catching up to me and your room was the last one so I was hoping someone could help
Mia: wow that's crazy um do u wanna stay in the boys tour bus
Chris: do u think they would let me
Mia: I'm pretty sure.........

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Sorry the last chapter was short I hope this one makes up for it love you all
- Lily

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