chapter 19

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Mia's point of view
That was probably the worst dream I've had like I can't imagine not being able to dance but my question is was the date even real did it even happen
End point of view

Mia got up and realized that she wasn't in her room it was Daniels

Mia yelled

Daniel came running up the stairs

Daniel: yea what's up
Mia: what happened
Daniel: oh um...
Mia: please tell me and start from the beginning
Daniel: ok I'm well we went on our date and when we came home you came running in you slipped on the floor because Lily got into a bother everything needs to be perfect spell and you hit your head and have been passed out for about 2 hours
Mia: you didn't call a doctor or an ambulance
Daniel: yea Lily said you would be fine
Mia: ugh whatever
Daniel: don't be mad I'm sorry
mia: ok
Daniel: good well you should go get some rest in your own bed
Mia: ok

Mia went to her room and went and took a nap

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