chapter 36

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Mia walks down the Isle with Jonah by her side Daniel just smiles knowing how close they are

Daniels pov
She looked stunning she was beautiful I know how close Jonah and Mia are they were like brother and sister
End pov

Jonah kissed Mia on the cheek and went behind Daniel they went through the whole wedding process when it finally hit the end

Priest: Daniel do you take Mia to be your lovely wife
Daniel: I do
Priest: Mia do you take Daniel to be you lovely husband
Mia: I do
Priest: you may kiss the bride

Daniel and Mia kiss and then they walked to the party room thing after everything was over they went to the wdw house with the baby

Mia: hey Daniel
Daniel: yes hun
Mia: do you think we could get am apartment soon
Daniel: if you want yea
Mia: can we start looking now
Daniel: sure

Daniel and Mia look for an apartment when they finally find one they like they book a time to go see it the next day

The next day

It's 11 in the morning and they get the baby in the car to go see the apartment with them at the apartment complex the lady that was nice but pretty old baby 60 to 70aybe even a little older than that she took them up to the 3rd story and opened the door to see this

It's 11 in the morning and they get the baby in the car to go see the apartment with them at the apartment complex the lady that was nice but pretty old baby 60 to 70aybe even a little older than that she took them up to the 3rd story and opened t...

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There was one more small bedroom in the back where Hermione would sleep the rent wasn't that bad either they decided to rent it for a while maybe even longer than that they would move in 3 days from now

They went back to the wdw house to pack up the not a lot of stuff they had the rest of the boys weren't home from the mall yet so they don't know about it

Mia; Dani the boys are home do you wanna tell them
Daniel: sure

They walk downstairs to the boys sitting on the couch being loud

Zach: hey daddy Dani
Mia: omg that is the worst name ever
Daniel: just shut up Mia and I have something to tell you something
Jonah: what is it
Daniel: we found an apartment and we're gonna move into that apartment
Corbyn: really
Mia: yeah
Jack: that's cool but I'm gonna miss you guys
Zach: yea I'm really gonna miss Mia because she always made the best Mac and cheese
Mia: I literally just opened the box and put it on the pot of boiling water
Zach: still it is really good
Mia: whatever we need to go pack
Jonah: ok have fun

Then they went back up stairs to pack

3 days later they were moved in and ready to live there

To be continued

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Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed this one and I love you all I hope you have an amazing weekend before schools starts again byeee love you all

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