Finale chapter 37

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They had no problems there well ever

The baby girl grew up with a brother Baylor which is a year younger they grew up a lot faster than we wanted them to but they did

Daniel: and that kids is how I met your grandma I love you
Mia: I love you to

Liza: wow I loved that
Rena: it was beautiful
Mark: I hated it so much
Makayla: you only the it because your a boy the only boy
Mark: you guys only like it because your older and are girly girls
Trey: I'm not a girly girl I like black ok marky
Mark: that's not my name
Mia: ok kids calm down your parents should be here soon
Liza: but I don't wanna leave
Makayla: me either
Mark: I'm hungry
Daniel: your always hungry mark
mark: i know

Mia's pov
If you guys are lost let me fill you in
Hermione had a girl and boy
Makayla, and mark and she was married to Kevin

Baylor had 3 girls
Trey, Rena, and Liza he was married to a girl named Addison

End pov

Daniel: ok kids your parents are here bye love you all
Mia: love you to guys byeee
All the kids: we love you guys see you soon

They left

Daniel: I'm so happy we made it this far this was an amazing life and I'm so glad I married the women of my dreams I love you
Mia: I don't know what u would do without you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me I love you to

OMG Thank you all so much for reading this had been an emotional roller coaster and I'm so happy you all are here to read it thank you so much for the support this past year I am so thankful for each and everyone of you I started this book last April and now it's January it's amazing to see what the book started as so I'm just so thankful I love you all

⚠️❌ So I am doing a nother book but I want you guys to choose so tell me who you want in the comments and I will see who has the most votes I will do most people but if u don't do the most popular one I will choose the next one also if you put in a person's name a bunch of times it's only one vote thanks ❌⚠️
- Lily

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