chapter 33

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Daniel went home that night having a lot to think about and he was so excited but scared at the same time

Daniels pov
I'm so excited I'm getting married and going to have a baby but I'm scared something might happen I don't want anyone to get hurt definitely not Mia I know nothing bad will happen but I'm still scared and I have this hit feeling that something's gonna happen so maybe I should just be cautious
End pov

5 months later
Mia: Dani come here

Daniel runs up the steps

Daniel: what what is it
Mia: look how big the bump is getting

Daniel: oh wow do you think it's a boy or girl Mia: well I'm not sure what it is but whatever it is I'm going to be so happy because it's our baby Daniel: same I'm excited

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Daniel: oh wow do you think it's a boy or girl
Mia: well I'm not sure what it is but whatever it is I'm going to be so happy because it's our baby
Daniel: same I'm excited

Mia: ik I'm so exited to but I'm going out with Christina today so love you bye
Daniel: bye love you

Daniel says kissing Mia on the lips

Mia walks down the steps and walks to the car Christina was driving

Mia: hey Chris
Chris: hey Hun how are you 2 or 3
Mia: I'm good and I'm not having twins I hope
Chris: well your baby bump is kinda large for just being 2 months also twins run in Daniels and your side of the family

So just pretend twins run on Daniels side ok and and miss side sorry)

Mia: well I think I have one baby girl or boy here so
Chris: ok buddy

Mia and Chris sat in silence for a couple min they were driving to the mall they were stopped at a light and when the light turned green

The next few seconds there was nothing the sirens then reality hit

Mia: omg omg omg
Emt: ma'am it's ok we're gonna take you to the hospital
Mia: I'm pregnant
other emt: what is it
Emt: she's pregnant we have to get her on a stretcher now
Other emt: ok
Mia: wheres my friend where's christina
Emt: she was hit straight on she flew out of the wind shield
Mia: is she ok
Emt: yea she landed in a bush we only know of that she broke her arm
Mia: ok good when are we going to be able to tell if the baby's ok
Emt: I can check right now

The emt was looking for a baby's heart beat

Emt: have you found out what the gender of the baby was
Mia: no
Emt: well 2 things I feel a heart beat
Mia: good
Emt: well I feel 2 heart beats your having twins....

To be continued

Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed it 😊 I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and I hope you have an amazing week and amazing rest of your day love you all byeeee
- Lily

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