chapter 6

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Mia starts to blush
Daniel: ur cute when u blush
It makes Mia blush even more than she was
Mia: thanks
U both start leaning in and then u kiss
Corbyn: *cough* *cough*
Mia: oh uh hey corbyn
Daniel: what's up dude
Corbyn: nothing much I just heard someone fall so I cane up here to make sure no one died
Mia: were all good thanks tho
Corbyn: ok bye
Corbyns point of view
I was kind off disappointed to see them kiss cause I am kinda into Mia she's really pretty and is like the most amazing person ever so it was kinda weird to see them kiss and now I won't tell her since she likes Daniel so much
End point of view
Mia's point of view
I feel bad for kissing Daniel infront of corbyn because I think he likes me but it's fine right I just wanna go watch the movie
End point of view
Daniel: wanna go watch the movie
Mia: yea sure
U both walk down there and sit on the couch next to each other
Jack: what are we watching
Zach: yea Jonah what are we watching
Jonah: well lily and I couldn't decide because I wanted to watch spider man and she wanted to watch frozen so we're gonna vote say Jonah I u wanna watch spider man and say lily if u wanna watch frozen
Jack and Zach: lily
Daniel and Mia: Jonah
Mia: it's up to u corbyn
Corbyn: well I wanna watch spider man but I wanna watch frozen to so we're gonna watch spider man
Mia Jonah and Daniel: yay yay yay
Mia: thanks corbyn
Corbyn: no prob
U all started watching the movie until u felt ur getting heavier and heavier until ur eyes were completely closed but then I felt ur body being lifted up and varied somewhere until I landed on something soft and warm then it got even warmer when someone cuddled up to u

I'm so sorry that I'm not posting everyday I've been really busy and will be busy until Sunday so just bare with me for the short story I'm really sorry but hope u liked it please vote there were 375 words in this imagine

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