chapter 12

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I felt eye all the content on my channel sorry

Lily: they would make the cutest couple ever
Jack: obviously Mia really short and Jonah super tall perfect for each other
Daniel walks past the room
Daniel: ugh u guys are such stalkers
Zach: we are not stalkers we're seeing how cute they are
Daniel: neither of them are cute
Corbyn: is that why u cheated on Mia
Daniel: whatever
Daniel walks down stairs
Mia: well he's a rat
Lily: oh uh Mia how long have you uh been awake
Mia: the whole time
Jack: oh well we're gonna leave now
They run out of the room which wakes up Jonah
Mia: morning Jonah
Jonah: go back to sleep
He says pulling you down to cuddle with him
Mia: I wanna get up and take a shower
Jonah: can I take one with you
Mia: ewww no u nasty
Jonah: it was worth a shot
Mia: whatever
Jonah: please just cuddle a little longer
Mia: I don't fine
Jonah: yay fanks
Mia: don't talk like a baby and only 5 min
Jonah: ok
You two ended up cuddling for a half an hour instead of 5 min
Mia: Jonah it's been a half an hour we need to get up
Jonah: fine
Mia got up went into Jonah's bathroom and changed into

Lily: they would make the cutest couple ever Jack: obviously Mia really short and Jonah super tall perfect for each other Daniel walks past the room Daniel: ugh u guys are such stalkers Zach: we are not stalkers we're seeing how cute they areDanie...

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U walked out of the bathroom and Jonah was shocked
Jonah: wow uh Mia u look uh great
Mia: thanks nice stutter to
Jonah: whatever

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