chapter 34

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Mia: are u serious
Emt: yea
Mia: wow
Emt: ok so we're at the hospital your boyfriend is um like dying in there soooo
Mia: fiance and ik I knew he would be like that

Right as you entered the hospital on the best Daniel came running up to you and you could tell he's was crying he started walking with the people moving the stretcher with his hand on your stomach

Daniel: how is everything are you ok is the baby ok
Mia: do you mean baby's
Daniel: what?
Mia: I'm having twins
Daniel: omg that's amazing
Emt: sorry sir you have to wait in the waiting room while we get her set up ok
Daniel: ok thank you

Daniel walks back to the waiting room relieved that everything will be ok

Meanwhile in the room with Mia

Doctor: ok so you have a glass shard logged into you arm and by your stomach so we have to go into sergery immediately
Mia: ok but don't hurt the baby's please don't
Doctor: we will do our best
Mia: thank you
Doctor: your welcome

Mia went back into sergery so the nurses told Daniel

Daniel: I am
Nurse 1: Mia went back into sergery she has glass in her body so they are going to take them out she will probably be out of here in a week

1 week later
Mia is out of the hospital her and Christina are better but still have to rest

1 month later baby shower and gender reveal

Christina: thank you everyone for coming to the baby shower mia and Daniel are so excited to find out what they are having so how it is going to work is Mia and Daniel are going to open these 2 boxes to show what they are having so one the count of three 1....2.....3 they open the boxes and both are filled with pink
Everyone: yayyyy
Daniel: yes I love you Mia
Mia: I love you 2 Daniel

They kiss and they go and open all kinds of presents for the baby's

3 and a half months later
Mia and Daniel are chilling on Daniels bed when mia has to pee she stands up and feels water go down her leg

Mia: Daniel
Daniel: what babe
Mia: Daniel Daniel Daniel
Daniel: what
Mia: my water just broke
Daniel: holy cow we have to get you to the hospital.......
To be continued

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Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you have a good day and an amazing week I love you all happy new year's yay a new year here comes 2020 love you all
- lily

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