chapter 32

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Mia: waiting at the door because I want to leave
Everyone: sorry
Daniel: it's fine now let's go

Skip to day before concert

Daniels pov
I'm pretty positive that I'm gonna pop the question to Mia tomorrow I'm so excited

Next day before concert starts
Daniel: hey boys huddle up I need to say something
Jonah: what up bro
Daniel: before the concert ends I'm asking Mia the question
Jack: no way dude that amazing
Daniel: thanks I'm kinda scared tho
Corbyn: don't be she'll make the right decision
Zach: true good luck man
Daniel: thanks bro

The concert started and the did all of there songs and after 8 letters was over Daniel started to speak

Daniel: what's up limelight's
Limelight's: Whoo
Daniel: so I'm pretty sure you all now my girlfriend Mia well she's been with me through a lot if you all didn't know
Mia backstage: what is he doing Christina
Christina: idk just wait
Daniel: we have been together for about 2 years now and these have been the best 2 years of my life we have been through this and thin together so Mia can you come out here

Mia walks out and stands in front of Daniel with a confused look as Daniel gets down on one knee the limelight's go crazy and Mia it's her hands over her face for a few seconds

Daniel: Mia will you make me the luckiest man alive and marry me
Mia: omg omg yes yes a thousand times yes

Mia and Daniel kiss the limelight's are crying the boys are crying Christina is crying and Mia is even crying

Mia: actually Daniel I have something for you

Mia walks of stage grabs a box and a microphone

Mia: so limelight's I'm pretty sure you all remember us going to Hawaii a week or so ago well I got something from Daniel there and I got him something on return this gift is going to probably change his life forever
Limelight's: what

Everyone was confused Daniel opens the box the crouches down on his knees and pits his hands on his face he sits there for a couple seconds then stands up

Daniel: your pregnant
Mia: yea
Limelight's: ahhhhhh whoop dia dia dia dia dia (your guys ship name)
Daniel: this is the best news ever Daniels says as hugging you
Mia: I love you
Daniel: I love you to
To be continued

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Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed sorry it's short love you all hope you have an amazing day and week or weekend love you
- Lily

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