chapter 9

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Thank you so much for all the views and votes I decided to double upload today so yay

Rachel: how's it going over here
Lacen: really good we finished
Rachel: really that was fast
Mia: yea well I'm great so you know

Mia started laughing

Mia: and I guess Lacen isn't to bad I guess
Lacen: rude
Mia: sorry
Rachel: ok stop flirting and show me
Mia: ok

Mia rolled her eyes at that comment as Lacen blushed a bit they started dancing and Rachel didn't look to happy when they finished

Rachel: well the category I put you two into was the love song category and u didn't use the song I chose for u so go try again and do what I ask also Mia come over here so I can talk to you
Mia; whatever

Mia walks over to the side with Rachel

Rachel: I don't know what's going on but today you are not acting like yourself and I'm your coach do you need to be able to tell me everything
Mia: fine

Mia start tearing up as she talks

Mia: I really like someone and we were getting closer and closer with every second e we're together and we started dating for a day then I already caught him cheating and I thought he was like the one one like he's wa super sweet adorable all the time and know I feel like I have to act a new way since I wasn't good enough for him or like I need to change for him and I just don't know what to do
Rachel: well for starters you are perfect the way you are you don't need to change because of one person be who you wanna be if he is stupid enough to cheat on someone like you then he's definitely missing out on someone that's gonna make it so far and this guy is just gonna fall straight through so go back to being who you wanna be try something or someone new just be you
Mia: thank you
Rachel: your welcome now go change that dance

Mia went back to Lacen and they fixed the dance and Mia put that smile on the should have never left

Mia's and Lacens new dance

Rachel: so did you finish
Mia: yes but I didn't like the song to much so we used the remix
Rachel: ok I'm fine with that
Lacen: she also wanted me to dance a little more
Rachel: ok show me

Mia and Lacen danced the song and she had her mouth wide open

Rachel: that was amazing also that kid you were telling me about Mia make him come to the competition he will be wishing he didn't mess up as bad as he did
Mia: ok I will
Mia: bye coach and thank you
Rachel: bye and your welcome

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