chapter 31

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Jonah: dang you all took a long time
Mia: sorry bout it
Zach: can we go swim now
Daniel: yea lets go

They went to the ocean and it was so clear but for some reason Mia didn't want to go pattle boarding Daniel was kinda worried about her but knew she would be ok so the boys went pattle boarding without Mia and Christian

After pattle boarding
Daniel: that was so much fun
Corbyn: yea
Daniel: let's go find the girls
Corbyn: yea

Mean while with the girls
Mia: Christina you wanna go get manie Petty's
Christina: duh but how will the boys know where we are they can't take there phones swimming
Mia: I'll text Dani he always checks to see if I've texted
Christina: cute
Mia: stoppp

Then out of no where Mia runs to a trash can and starts throwing up as Christina holds her hair back

Mia: uh oh I need to go back to be and Daniel's room
Christina: uh why
Mia: I just need to let's go

Mia and Christina run back up to there room as Mia unlocks the door she walks in and grabs the pregnancy test from the bathroom and you can see the faint double line

Mia: shit
Christina: what is it why do you have a pregnancy test
Mia: I'm pregnant
Christina: holy um ahhhhh omg omg omg I'm gonna be an auntie
Mia: why am I gonna do how am I gonna tell Daniel and the rest of the boys
Christina: well you can't keep it a secret you just have to tell them
Mia: I have an idea what if we surprise them like all the boys and the limelight's
Christina: and the Chickie's
Mia: obviously
Christina: but how
Mia: on there last show we I can go out on stage and show everyone the test and tell them everything
Christina: that's super smart
Mia: ik right but we should probably go get our nails done before the boys are back
Christina: yea

the boys can't get a hold of the girls and they were starting to worry when Daniel spoke up

Daniel: wait no need to panic Mia said they are getting there nails done come on let's go see if they wanna get some food

The next few days go by fast the went zip lining they held kola bears they ate so much food and had the best time together Mia and Christina are still keeping the baby thing a secret but Daniel has a secret of his own

Daniels pov
Today we're going back to Cali and on the last show I'm gonna surprise Mia im ready to marry her she's the one o want and I'm gonna propose to her at the end of the show maybe not the end but she's been acting kinda off lately but it's probably nothing
End pov

After plane ride home
Christina: that was the best trip ever
Zach: ik we have to do that more often
Jonah: we're not made of money
Jack: kind of we have a little bit not to brag or anything
Corbyn: guys shut up
Christina: where's Mia and Daniel........
To be continued

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- Lily

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