chapter 10

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So I'm still really pissed at Daniel but you know he's just so stop Mia we can't think like this we hate him but his tooth Mia control yourself ok so the comp is this weekend I'm just gonna walk into the house sit next to lily and then tell them yea ok
Mia walks up to the door goes to knock but stops herself
I can't do this wait yes I can no I can't yes I can no I can't yes I can
Mia knocks on the door and Jonah but not just any Jonah Jonah with no shirt on if y'all don't know what that looks like I'm gonna go into detail for you it's an 6 pack no wait an 8 pack or maybe ab10 no it's definitely an 8 pack ok it's an 8 pack you can see his underwear line woo woo woo well dang ok and the he's sweating he's just a whole snack and a half right there like oh my god Jesus explain how you make this child
God: well dentist Mia I put him in my bowl where I make all the people of the world I went to put in hot and then my assistant bumped my arm and well dumped the whole thing in and the went for sexy same thing happened and when I lit in adorable ness I just added the whole thing myself like I guess he was meant to be this dang sexy
Mia: well thank you Jesus for putting this woo thing on this earth
God and Mia: Amen
Authors point of view
So I kinda lost myself when I made that last part so stay with me I think it's funny but you might not just I'm sorry it's like 3 am when I'm making this so back to the story
Jonah: hey Mia you ok there ur kinda drooling
Mia: yea I'm fine just uh wow
Jonah: I work out everyday
Mia: I can tell
Jonah: so what do you need
Mia: well is lily in here
Jonah: yea making out with corbyn though
Mia: oh that's expected
Jonah: well you can come in
Mia: oh well thank you
Jonah: so what do you need to tell us all
Mia: well----
Jonah: hold on
Mia: ok
Mia: I don't need my eardrums
Jonah: sorry
Mia: it's fine
Everyone can down infront of you in the living room
Mia: so guys as you all know I'm in a competition for dance this weekend
Corbyn: nice
Mia: well I got tickets for all of you to come
Jack and Zach: yay
Zach: can jack and I crash the whole thing
Jonah: wow Zach
Zach: what
Jonah: you used proper grammar for the first time ever in your life you said jack and.......I
Everyone: hahahahah
Zach: that's mean
Mia: also Zach no this is very important to me
Zach: oh well ok
Mia: but....
jack and Zach: hahahahahahah
Mia: what
Jack and Zach: you said butt
Mia: I'm done with you two just listen to me
Jack: fine
Mia: Zach
Zach: fine
Mia: ok so I really want all of you to come also I wanna sleep over
Jonah: great we will all be there and sure you can sleep over
Mia: yay
Jonah: you can sleep in my room
Mia: ok night everyone
Everyone except Jonah and Daniel: night
Mia: Daniel that was rude
Daniel: whatever
Mia: I bet it's a good thing we didn't dat that kind because he just now going through puppetry so his penis is still the size of my thumb
Everyone: hahahahahahah

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Love you all
- lily

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