chapter 31

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Daniel: shit nope God damnit
Mia: fuckkkkk
Daniel: I'll go to the store and get a pregnancy test and you can take it

(Ik that right after you do you know what you can't tell if your pregnant or not just go with it😂)

Mia: ok
Daniel: don't be scared your probably not right
Mia: yea I can't be heh heh

Daniel goes to the store and gets one but he sees Jonah as he's walking out of the drug store

Jonah: hey Dani whatcha doing in there
Daniel: ok uh Mia needed some tampons so she can swim
Jonah: oh ok see ya in 5 I guess
Daniel: yes it may take a little longer can you tell everyone Mia has stuff to do so like you guys can go swim and stuff and then we can come find you
Jonah: ok I'll tell them see ya bro
Daniel: byee

Daniels pov
Omg that was so close but I can tell my self anything and like I'm kinda scared that she's pregnant because I don't think I'm ready to be a dad yet I'll be fine we will do this together
End pov

Daniel runs back up to the room and opens it he's runs into the bathroom and gives her the test

Daniel: k I'll sit out here for 15 min and tell for me when it shows up whatever you are
Mia: ok
Daniel: hey
Mia: what
Daniel: whatever happens we will do this together I promise everything is gonna be fine k
Mia: ok
Daniel: I love you Mia Lu Lone
Mia: I love you to Daniel James Seavey

Daniel walks out of the bathroom as Mia takes Daniel gets on his knees and starts to pray

Daniels prayer
Dear Jesus i know that whatever you decide to do with this it will be the right chose I know that Mia and I will be ok I just want you to keep her safe no matter what even if she is pregnant you made the decision because you knew it was the right time for us thank you amen
End of prayer

It's been 15 min and moa finally calls for Daniel to come in he walks in and

Mia: negative
Daniel: ok good
Mia: ik
Daniel: come on let's go swim
Mia: ok let me change

Daniel is wearing watermelon swim trunks
And Mia is wearing this

Daniel is wearing watermelon swim trunks And Mia is wearing this

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Mia walks out of the bathroom and Daniel is stunned

Daniel: you look absolutely amazing
Mia: well thank you now let's go

They walk down the hall and into the elevator and down to the lobby where everyone was waiting.......
To be continued

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Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed I also hope you have noticed that I have posted a couple days in a row I hope that makes you all happy have a wonderfully rest of you day byeeee ❤️
- Lily

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