chapter 29

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Christmas Eve
It was Christmas Eve and Daniel was so excited for the next day you all probably know how he gets with his smile and everything
Everyone was drinking egg nog (with no alcohol because Jonah doesn't need to break anymore tables) it was one of the best nights he thought to himself
Christmas morning

Everyone was opening there gifts but Daniel wanted his gift to be the last one done Daniel made it look like he just got everyone a card with nothing in it and as everyone opened it at the same time Daniel said
everyone except Daniel: shhhh your the best whoop
Mia walked over to Daniel
Mia: your the best
And she kissed him on the lips
Everyone: ewwwwwww
Mia: I love you
Daniel: love you to
Zach: this is gonna be so much fun I can't wait when do we leave
Daniel: next week we come home and the next day is our last concert
Jack: aww I'm sad about that
Jonah: same bro
Corbyn: we shouldn't be sad we should be happy and be really proud of ourselves
Daniel: right 
Skip to the day they leave
Daniel: is everyone packed up
Everyone except zach: yup
Mia: where's Zach
Daniel: oh no he's probably not even up
Mia: I'll go check on him
Corbyn: good hurry up
Mia: ok ok calm down buddy boy
Mia walks up stairs and just walks into Zach's room
Mia: Zach are you---
Zach: yup all packed up is just don't wanna carry my stuff down can you get Jonah
All you hear is Jonah sprinting up the steps
Jonah: what's wrong
Mia: Zach doesnt want to carry his stuff down stairs can you
Jonah: ugh whatever
Mia: dang what's wrong with you are you on your period or something gosh
Jonah: oh shut up
Skip to the airport (sorry I'm lazy)
Daniel: we are 5 min early perfect timing
Jack: can we get on the plane now
Mia: I think so but Daniel do you have my pills
Zach: pills for what
Mia: I'm deathly afraid of heights and if I don't take the pill I will be a little bit crazy actually a lot a bit crazy
Daniel: ummm about that Mia I uh kinda
Mia: spot it out
Daniel: forgot them
Daniel: yea I mean I think there
Daniel: yea but like there
Daniel: no you don't
Daniel: come here
Daniel said putting out his arms for you to give him a hug
Mia: I don't want to
Daniel: yea ya do
Mia: nope
Daniel: sureeeed rMia: fine
Mia goes and hugs Daniel
Daniel: it's gonna be fine
Mia: but I hate heights
Daniel: ik but I'll be next to you and you can listen to music and it will be ok I promise
Mia: pinky promise
Daniel: pinky promise
Daniel said and they pinky promised each other
Jonah: can we get on the plane now please
Daniel: yea let's go
On the plane
Mia is set up with music and is sitting next to Daniel and everyone else

Then Mia starts to sing out loud witth her eyes closed she starts singing thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran

After like 20 sec of Mia singing the people on plane started clapping and once she was done with the song everyone started cheering and clapping as the flight attendant started to speak
Attendant: we will be taking off in 5 min so get in you seats and buckle up thank you
Mia was scared out of her mind she was shaking and squeezing daniels hand as hard as possible
Mia: I'm so scared
Daniel: ik it's gonna be ok I promised
Mia: I know I love you
Daniel: I love you to
Attendant: we are taking off now thank you
The plane started to shake as Mia squeezed Daniels hand and dug her face into his neck Mia starts to breath a little heavier and then the plane starts to fly smoothly and moa looks up and breaths put loudly
Mia: that wasn't that bad
Daniel: nope
Mia starts to hear dinging it was her phone like a lot of it to she opened her phone and saw it was Instagram she opened it and her follower account said 1m
Mia: omg Daniel
Daniel: what
Mia: someone posted a video of me singing and now I have 1m followers
Daniel: no way let me see omg that's crazy what were you at before
Mia: 200k like I checked before we got on the plane
Daniel: that's awesome it took me years to get to 1m and it took you 1 day well like 10 min dang that crazy omg
Mia: don't be over dramatic
Was the last words Mia got out before the plane started to shake uncontrollably.....
To be continued

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Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed this very long chapter I figured out that I can post more on the weekends so decently wait for them I hope you all had a great week and have a great next week love you all byeeee ❤️
- Lily

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