chapter 22

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Mia's point of view
I still can't believe that there trying to replace me maybe I can come up with an excuse and then she'll let be back on the team nah that's dumb I'll just go there and practice and do what I'm supposed to do which is the right thing
End point of view
Mia walks back home and before she opens the door she hears something like a girl and Daniel something oh fuck no bitch is all she is thinking
Mia's point of view
No I can't believe him he's cheating on me but wait we're not dating yet but I feel like we basically are
End point of view
Mia opens the door and sees Daniel hugging a blonde Mia runs up stairs and starts crying
Daniel: Mia come back it's not what you think
Daniel goes up stairs
Mia: oh really I thought we had something come on like are I serious I really really wanted to date you but I can't trust you you don't understand how much I go through each and everyday
Daniel: that's my sister
Mia: wait what
Daniel: yes she was getting ready to leave
Mia: oh
Daniel: yea are u ok
Mia: yea but I'm still not ready to date
Daniel: and I'm perfectly fine with that if you happy I'm happy I will always respect whatever you decide
Mia: ok thank you
daniel: your welcome
Daniel and Mia hug and then you hear loud foot steps running up the stairs a lot of them to Lily and the rest of the boys comes in
Mia: what's wrong omg what's wrong
And then Mia passed out
Mia's point of view
The last thing I remember is all the boys in my room and Lily telling me Amy's dad killed my mom and then I woke up in a hospital bed
End point of view
Mia: are u serious
Lily: omg serious about what
Mia: did Amy's dad actually kill my mom
Lily: honey no you've been in a coma for a week you got into a car crash with Daniel when you were on your date
Mia: wait so everything that just happened was a dream
Lily: yea
Mia: omg.........

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