chapter 16

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Lily: ok so we need to get Daniel up here and come get u
Mia: he doesn't have to come up here
Lily: oh yes he does
Mia: ugh
Lily runs down stairs and sees Daniel
Lily: ok first u look great second go up there and knock on the door and go on ur date
Daniel: oh it's a date now
Lily: yup
Daniel: nice
Daniel goes up stairs and knocks on the door Mia answers
Daniel: are u ready
Mia: of course
Daniel and Mia go out and Daniel takes her to a beautiful beach where they sat and watched the sunset
Daniel: I'm really really sorry for being so stupid and cheating on you that fast I'm sorry can u ever forgive me
Mia: well it was a big mistake for u to do that to me but I guess I could forgive you
Daniel: thank you thank you thank you you will not regret it
Mia: good
Daniel and Mia stand up and start walking over to the water they take off there shoes and walk through the water
Mia: this is nice
Daniel: it is
Mia: I'm so glad we did this thank you
Daniel: your welcome and thank you for coming with me
Mia: no problem
They both look away from each other and when they look back there lips were only inches apart Daniel looks at Mia lips and Mia looks at Daniels then they kiss the kiss lasted about 15 seconds untill they broke apart
Mia: I need to ask u something
Daniel: yea sure anything
Mia: well the first time I met you we took things way to fast
Daniel: yea
mia: can we maybe take it a little slower
Daniel: yes anything for you as long as it means I get to be with you
Mia: thank you thank you

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