chapter 24

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Mia: 1 million dollars
Lily: yea
Mia: that's way to much money what am I supposed to do
Daniel: sing
Lily: I mean when we were little we always loved singing even tho I wasn't good you always were
Mia: I'm not that good
Daniel and Lily: YES YOU ARE
Mia: whatever
Lily: the doctor said that if your not doing the surgery then you can go home but you will have to be in a wheelchair for a while
Mia: ugh a wheelchair
Daniel: hey it's gonna be fine I'm here which makes it 1000000 times better
Mia: it does
Lily: awwwww so cute
Mia and Daniel: STOP
Lily: so is it official official
Mia: no I need some time and Daniel can you give Lily and I a minute or so
Daniel: yea sure
Daniel leaves the room
Mia: I don't know if I can date him
Lily: what why
Mia: because if we're going back to Texas we're gonna need some time to figure out our lives
Lily: true so maybe we leave tomorrow
Mia: yea
Lily: let's go to Daniels house and break the news
Lily Daniel and Mia leave the hospital after checking Mia out and everyone meets at Daniels house
Zach: everyone before Mia and Lily tell us there news were gonna tell you ours
Mia: ok go
All of the boys: WE'RE GOING ON A WORLD TOUR
lily and Mia: omg we're so happy for you
Lily: but we should have told you our news first
Jonah: why
Mia: our news is bad
All the boys: oh
Corbyn and Jack: well what is itmia: Lily bad I are going back to Texas for a while because my mom died and we need to figure out where were gonna live
Daniel: no you can't leave
Mia: Daniel I have to to since I can't dance there kicking us out of our apartment so we have to go back
Daniel: but what if you didn't
Lily: what do you mean daniel
Daniel: what if you go on your with us
Mia: I couldn't
The boys: why
Mia: because I need to go home figure out my life and then get Lily into a good collage
Lily: wait why just me
Mia: because I'm not smart enough and you have so much potential and can grow up and make so much money just please
Lily: fine
Jack: when are you leaving
Mia: tonight so we better get to packing
Mia says almost bursting out into tears
Daniel: what but what
mia: let's not make it harder than it has to be I'm sorry Daniel and I love you
Then hug and Mia and Lily leave
They pack up and get going to the flight without going back to the boys
Time skip
Mia's point of view
It's been a couple of weeks and I went to my mom's funeral Lily and I signed her up for a school is LA and she got in I'm really missing Daniel and I can tell Lily is missing corbyn but we will see them soon right
End point of view
A nother time skip
Mias point of view
It's been 3 months and I can't wait any longer without Daniel so I found out that there next show is in Brazil (why don't we come to Brazil sorry I had to) so I booked a flight and the tickets the VIP tickets for the show where I would be backstage I packed up and got fully ready for my flight when it was over I took an Uber to my hotel and tonight is the show so I put on a crop top long sleeve shirt with a rose on it some black ripped jeans and my vans I got to the place it was at and got in and went backstage then I saw the boys getting ready to go on my plan was as they were singing walk out the on the side where Daniel was and go there
End point of view
Daniels point of view
It's been 3 months since I last talked to Mia and I was desperate for her I know the tour is ending in like what 3 more months ik but maybe I can surprise her well I can't think about this let's just do the show and I went on stage
End point of view
Mia's point of view
The show was almost over so here was my chance I walked out and........

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Ik ik I'm cruel but I gotta do what I gotta do I hope you enjoyed have a lovely day or evening I love you all remember you are beautiful and we're all beautiful in our own way love you all and I give you wishes ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

PS. I feel really bad about changing from 2 books back to one so I made a challenge to myself to make this book longer than 30 chapters and I will try to make it 50 chapters long ik it will be tough but I'm so happy that you all get to read it so tell your friend live you bunches

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