10- Blood Unit

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Vanessa was back at Danny's room, he collapsed. She and Dr.Burkwitz quickly brought him back and went straight to the OR. Vanessa participated in the surgery all the time, to make sure no mistakes were made.

Whilst Danny had his heart fixed, Omar was at the next door OR finishing up Vanessa's patient, and when he finished he went to tell his boss.

-Vanessa, I'm done with your patient, she is stable now - Omar said putting his head inside the OR

-Wonderful news, thanks sweetheart


It had been 5 hours since Danny first came to the hospital and Dr.Burkwitz was now closing his chest.

-Okay then, call me if something changes, I'll go update his family - Vanessa said stepping out of the OR.

-Hey! How is he - Steve said getting up

-What happened? Is he okay? - Tani said next

-Why it took so long? - and that was Rachel time

They all said at the same time, making Vanessa's head spin from all the voices talking to her

-Guys, calm down, calm down. He is out of surgery now, out of risk so far and is being transferred to the ICU. We took the bullet out and fixed his valve. He will need time to heal properly. It might take about three weeks or more.

Everyone but Steve thanked Vanessa and then left. Rachel took the kids to her house and Steve stood there, watching everyone go so he could have a break down, and in his head the only one that could see it was his true love.

When the last one left he ran to her arms

-Thank you for saving him, thank you. I couldn't live with the guilt of his death.

-Hey.. it's okay - she said with a soft voice - if he died it wouldn't be your fault

-Yes it would! Yes it would! '' he shouted

Vanessa took him to her office so they had more privacy

-Babe, tell me what happened


-Oh Danny please! This is nothing

-Oh, you think it's nothing? We are chasing a terrorist in a normal car which let me tell you.

If he decides to shoot at us WE HAVE NO PROTECTION

-What else did you wanted me to do? Huh? Take your burned car instead? Or my destroyed truck? Huh? Tell me!

-You, my friend, should take one of the cars the Governor has for us

-Well, I did ask him for one but..

-But you were too busy fighting him against an old case he brought up that he decided to NOT give you a car!

-Don't put that on me!

-Yes I put that on you Steve! You always do this stuff! You decide to prove you are right when it comes to Catching bad guys and your military skills that you don't realise the waste of time that is!

-He is wrong and you know that!

-I do, but what we wanted was not to prove ourselves right. We just wanted a damn Car! But he put his finger on your pride and you had to buy that fight didn't you?

-STOP! Let's just do our job and go home!

-Fine! You know I'm right.

Steve Narration

We were now at a highway and the guy we were chasing made a turn into the forest. We followed him. Chin, Kono and Lou, were behind us but he didn't know.

We got out of the cat and there were exchanged fire. When they were shooting back we got out of safe place to cover ourselves. We all got behind Kono and Lou's car. Chin opened the car door I drove to somehow protect from the bullets. When Danny was looking for a place to hide he just saw the door and went behind it. When he remembered the door wouldn't hold it he tried to come to us, but he was shot.

Only because I made the governor not give us the car.

~Present moment~

-Honey, you couldn't had predicted

-But I could had avoided

-Yeah, you could, but that is in the past now. He is alive and well. I promise you I will do everything in my power to make him stay alive ok? - Vanessa said wrapping her arms around his neck

-I love you - he kissed her

Now, the only living creature besides Danny in the room is Vanessa. He was still in the ICU and she went to check on him. She had her back turned on Danny when she heard a noise outside the ICU that made her instinctively go for Danny's gun that was on his nightstand. No one was supposed to be there. That was a private ICU the hospital had for celebrities and high profile personas, the only ones allowed on that part were the ones the chief cleared with her card, Which didn't happened. So that meant someone was trying to do something with either her or Danny.

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