20-You Get What You Wish

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Guys, I just wanted to say a apologize for this "action" chapter and the ones ahead, this type of writing is not my best type. Enjoy it :)

In celebration of 500 reads

Vanessa's POV

After Brandon told me about the multiple victims I went to the emergency room to help out. When I got there it was a total mess, blood everywhere, people throwing up, and there was even a guy's arm hanging out. And here I was thinking this day couldn't get any worse.


By the time the clock hit 5 in the morning - an hour after the shooting victims - I see a crazy Danny running through the glass doors of the hospital

-Danny? What Happened?

-You guys happened!

-What you mean by that? I'm kinda busy here

-No one told me she was in the hospital!

-Oh.. that. Sorry bud, I thought they called you guys, you can go up and see her, I'm not sure her room's number but call Steve and he will tell you

-Okay, thanks - he said and l

I got back to my work and 2 hours later someone came looking for me

-Doctor Croft? We need you in your office right away - that's the Foundation leader, my Superior

-On my way - I answered taking off my gloves and stepping out of the sterile zone making my way to my office.

-Sir, I'm here, something wrong? - I opened the door and Sat in front of him

-it's your boyfriend, Detective Danny Williams said that he left to buy food and never came back to the hospital nor his house and he is not picking up his phone.

-You gotta be kidding me - I freaked but hid my fear

-Dr. Croft, I will take care of your work today, go home and calm yourself down - Mr.Smith said escorting me out the office where I found Danny

-Do we know anything? - I asked looking in his eyes

-Unfortunately no, but we are working on tracking his last phone signal. Hopefully we have an idea to what happened to him.

Steve's POV

I went to Kamekona's to get some shrimp. We were starving and the hospital food is not what we were looking for.

I was at the highway when I noticed a car on my tail. I tried losing track of them but they got to the side of my car and pushed me out of the road. After that, my car fell on the hill. All I could hear was the sound of the car hitting trees and rocks. I could taste the dirt mix with my blood and in seconds I was out.  

Next thing I noticed I was cuffed inside a white interior container. Soon enough we stopped and two guys opened the container's door and dragged me out of it.

-Keep your mouth shut till we ask you something. Got it? - I just nodded my head, I did not know who they were so I was not going to take any risks.


-Hey, boss! McGarrett is here among us - the man's holding me said and tossed me onto the floor

-I see...you know? I little bird once told me that you, Commander, is a smart man. Is that true? - a female voice said turning her heals to face me

-I take my chances - I said smirking at her

-Good, good to know… do you have any idea who i am?

-Not actually though

-I am the woman you left without a father three years ago

-What do you mean? Who is your dad?

-Wo Fat. But don't worry, I will not continue with his work. I just used some of his men to take you here to me. I will kill them later. And I don't want revenge for his death, I actually thank you for that

-What do you want with me then?

-I want your skills. I heard that you are the best in the game. I need you to help me disappear. I have a daughter and she is at school age and I don't want her to fear for her life. I can't trust anyone. They all want my head on a silver platter. And as you are the one who brought him down I thought you would help me have my life back.

-So, let me get the story straight. You almost killed me to get me here to ask my help on making sure no one would look for you? You know, my office door is always open you could had just walked there

-I couldn't risk it. I've been hiding for 3 long years. The only one nobody knows is my husband. He is the only one allowed to get out of the house. There are lots of criminals wanting money my dad owed them or something like that. And the way they dragged you here is their fault, not mine. So, will you help me?


Meanwhile Vanessa was pacing inside Steve's office in hope to hear him calling her name at any second. The rest of the team was working on finding him.

-Chin, trace this call - Lou asked when a call appeared at the TV from the Headquarters.

-On it - Chin said and started to trace the call while Danny picked up

-Who is this? - Danny asked

-It's me buddy

-Oh, Steve - they all let a sign in relief - where are you? What happened?

-I don't know where I am I just found this burner here and decided to call you guys. Got a location for me yet?

-Yes, we are coming for you my friend, try not to get killed this time - Danny said playfully

-Funny, just speed up - Steve hung up and Vanessa got out of the office when she noticed the commotion outside the glass doors.

-What happened? Did you guys find anything? - the doctor asked the team who was grabbing equipments

-We got a location on Steve - Tani said putting her gun on its holster

-I'm coming - Vanessa said grabbing her phone and Steve's spare gun

-How did you find that? - Danny asked looking at the gun in her hands

- I know my boyfriend ok? Now, can we go?

-Yes, sure, you crazy lady - they laughed and got out of the HQ heading to their cars and driving to the location Steve was.

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