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I got the reference for this chapter from the movie "Mr.Right"

Vanessa's POV

-What are you laughing at? - the bigger guy asked me with an angry tone

-Oh, nothing, just your plan - another laughter comes out of my mouth

-What do you mean? It's the perfect plan

-No, it's not. You guys really think you can attract him here to kill him? Oh, come on. You better pray to be long gone when he gets here. Cause if you don't, he is going to kill all of you. And if he doesn't, I will - I smirk at them and get pushed to the wall in full strength by the smaller one. When the chair I was tied to hit the wall it ached my body

-How do you feel that bitch?

-I feel motivated 😈

A few moments passed and their eyes filled with hope when they heard the gunshots from upstairs.

-If I were you I would run - I said to them

-No sweetie, this just began - the taller one said to me going out of the room.

Steve's POV

This last 24 hours has been crazy for me.

Vanessa was kidnapped by a new enemy of mine, Yan Wright. I was now on the way to rescue her at their fort. The rest of the team is on a stakeout a few meters away from us. Yan wanted just me, so I asked them to watch me from a distance.

When I arrived, I got welcomed with bullets, but I manage to escape.

There were so many criminals in there that I didn't expect given the fact that Yan was a hacker.

-Where is she? - I said after bursting into his "office" where he was arguing with his brother Aaron.

-You actually think we gonna tell you? Oh no.. - Aaron said sarcastically

-Just do what you came here to do Steve - Yan said to me

-What? I'm doing it right now, I came to pick up Vanessa, that's it

-Oh come on! You are trying to kill us or lock us up for so long - Yan said looking suspicious to His brother when he said 'kill us'

-Wait, you actually dragged me here to kill your brother? Hell no

-What is he talking about? - Aaron asked Yan

-He is well protected in case I shot at you two, so he could live and you die. Do you see the thickness onhis torso? That is a special bullet proof vest. He knew I would bring so much gun power for this and was counting on it to survive and take your place.

-Oh, you bastard! - Aaron went on top of Yan and they began to fight, so I left to look for Vanessa.

-There you are! - She said to me with a happy face

-Thank God you are okay! - I walked towards her and untied her

-Now, let's get the hell away from here?

-Definitely - I said while putting her behind me and walking out of the room.

When we were making our way out of the house they kept her, it had already been raining for a while now,so we made our way down the stairs carefully,but when we reached the bottom, one of the guys that were still alive came punching me

-Run! Just run! - I told Vanessa before getting into a fight with this guy

Vanessa's POV

I backed off when Steve told me to, but I didn't escape the taller and bigger guy. He grabbed me and dragged me inside the house. I fell on a pool of blood, that I guessed was from Aaron.

-oh! My favorite pants! This is so fucked up! - I told myself while trying to get up. But Bruce, the big guy, made me stand up quick when I saw he was trying to stab me. I managed to skip the knife and then I made him drop it, fighting back at him gulping his hand towards him. That made his hand lose its force of holding the knife and dropping it.

-How did you do that?

-Honestly? I don't know - I jumped on him pushing him down and hitting him with a statue near the door till he bled out.

-And that's how is done - I got up and walked out. Bruce's phone rang and I picked up, but as soon as Yan heard my voice he rang up

When I got outside I didn't see Steve, so I started to walk around the house looking for him, and that was when I got face to face with Yan

-Where is Bruce? And why did you pick up the call?

-I told you, he is dead

-No way

-Man, I hit him multiple times with your statue by the door and he died, that's the truth

-You bitch! - he pointed his gun at me, but he was injured so he was slower than usual, so I took his gun away from him and shot him in his shoulder

-I told you I was going to kill you, you didn't listen to me. NOBODY LISTENS TO ME! - and I shot him again on his chest.

-Now, you are dead - I dumped the gun and walked out again, to see Steve talking with Chin

-I.. what the hell happened to you?! - Danny asked looking at my bloody figure

-You know, the usual - I let out a weak laugh

-I got a badass lady to share my life with - Steve hugged me by the waist

-What are you doing? - I asked when I saw him kneeling in front of me

-I know it's not ideal but, today I fell more in love with you and I can't see my future days without you in it. This whole thing got me thinking I could never get the chance to ask you because of my dangerous job. So, here it goes.

Vanessa Belle Croft, will you marry me?

-Of course! - I yelled and hugged him - but, can we get out of this place to celebrate?

-Hell yeah!

It was some crazy months for the Five-0 family.

They had break-ins, kidnappings, torture, shootings, near death experience and tense in their private lives. But now, everything seemed to be in order.

Steve had found the girl he had dreamed since he was 15, Danny had decided to reconnect with Rachel and they are both happy with their decision. Chin and Amanda are so close to achieve their dream of becoming parents and their enemies seem to be gone.

But Steve had to end this year with a big action.

Is a fact he didn't arranged the kidnapping, but all the adrenaline rushing in his veins gave him the perfect ending to this year.

Why not end it with a emotional, near death experience proposal? This could not be more a McGarrett style.

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