15- Appearance Don't Show

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Steve's POV

It was now 10am and Vanessa had finally slept, she was finally calm sleeping in my chest, she cried this whole time we were talking since I opened that door.

~Flashback on~

-Care to explain? - Steve asked without looking her in the eyes

-I...I, sorry - she started to cry

-about what? - he turned to face her, and ended up holding her close to him real tight, he could not see his love crying like that

-Do you feel comfortable on telling me about this room?

-I guess so - she looked him in the eyes taking courage to say it

-This room was made when I found out I was pregnant three years ago, I know, crazy right? I got engaged to a man that left me for some twenty year old (lie, you know you are lying Vanessa), and when he left me I found out I was pregnant. So I decided to carry the baby to term,but with two months I lost it, so I let the room just as I started to decorate. I did therapy due to the miscarriage. I'm fine now but I let the room with the baby stuff cuz I had never found someone that might need them, so I keep them in there. It it's also really special for me, this was my baby angel's room.

-Oh, baby, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that - he hugged her

-That's alright, God let things happen in our lives for a purpose. I'm good now, this is past. And you are my present, and I want to enjoy my present and not a sad past.

The rest of the hours were kind of a therapy session for Vanessa, she Never felt normal on telling that story to anyone, so it felt good to let it out. She cried a bunch but it was for the best.

~Present Moment~

-So, are you ready to say goodbye to this room? - Steve asked one more time as the men load the truck with the room furniture.

-Yes, I am, I gotta move on definitely.

-okay then, you guys can go - he paid them and then Steve and Vanessa got inside her house, where they stood for the rest of the day in her bed.

Vanessa had finally slept and Steve was keeping in touch with his team about the case they were working on. She wouldn't wake up anytime soon, she took pills to sleep, so she was a rock.

-Tani, how are things going?

-Well boss, we just arrested the suspect and now is just me and paperwork, everyone left already

-That's good, thanks, see you tomorrow

Steve hang up and noticed that Vanessa was now wake.

-Hey sweetie - he lined and kissed her

-Hey - she smiled between the kisses

-Wanna eat something? I made pancakes

-You know how to win me don't you? - she said with a big smile on her face and climbing up to his lap

-If you say so, then I do know - he said kissing her cheeks and neck

-You definitely do, and that is why I am getting off this cozy bed to go eat them - she quickly got up and went down to her kitchen, where she found nothing but roses and balloons everywhere.

-I had planned this for a while now, I hope you like them, there is a basket of fruits and half bitter chocolate on the counter. - Steve said hugging her from behind

-I love you, I freaking love you - she said turning to him and kissing him

-I love you to fruity - one more kiss

-But.. what about the pancakes though? - she giggled

-There - he pointed to the oven where she ran for and bring a plate full of pancakes to the living room where they slept themselves watching movies.

•• Two Weeks Later••

-Set the perimeter, nobody in or out okay? - Steve said demandingly

-Yes Commander - Duke answered right back

-Danny are you listening to me? - McGarrett asked on the earpiece with his partner who was now back to work. But not field work, just boring work as he called it himself

-Yes, loud and clear. Hey Steve?


-Isn't this the area where your sister works?

-Yes it is, what is your point?

-My point is that the bomb could be inside her building, nevertheless he said stuff that can really qualified her office as the bomb site

-I guess you're right, thanks.

-Alright people listen up, we are moving a tactical team to the Psychiatrist Mohana Center, we receive some information that indicates a possible drop site there, stay out till I say so, keep taking people out of here. Now, move! Move!

-Are you for real? I gotta call Amanda - Chin said desperate

-I hope I'm wrong but I can't risk my sister's life. I'll go look for her and you stay here with the rest of the team

-No! Let me go with you - Chin asked desperately

-Listen, I'm her big brother, is my job to keep her safe at all costs, you are the one I trust to Stay here and help. I know you could go and save her as well but I have to do it, I couldn't save our father, but I can still save her.

-Just go then! I can handle this

-Okay, see you later

Steve's POV

I got out of there and sped up to Amanda's office, but before I could reach the building what I feared happened.

I just heard the noise of the explosion, things flying everywhere and kids screaming for their mothers. That is all I can process right now. I couldn't believe we got here too late


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