19- It's going to be fine

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It has been one month since the dinner and Doris apologized to Vanessa about that night.

Amanda is now three months pregnant and today is the day they are going to find out the gender of their baby. Steve and Vanessa were the ones responsible to pick up the result and thrown them a Gender reveal party.

-Babe? Where is the fireworks? - Steve asked his girlfriend while she got dressed for the party.

-it's on your truck, are you sure it's the correct color?

-Yeap, I am.. God damn! You look gorgeous my love - He said slapping her butt making her laugh at his response

-Thanks, can we go?

-Sure think. Let's go

They got to the Kelly's house and almost everyone was there already.


There has been a couple of hours of the party and people were already anxious to know the gender.

-So, I need you guys to split up in groups, the ones that think is a baby boy come to my left side, and the ones who think is a baby girl can go to Steve's left side over there - Vanessa said on the mic and everyone followed her orders

-okay, now that all of you are separated we will ask for the upcoming parents to come forward.

-Now, I want Chin to shoot the balloons. They each has either pink ink, or blue ink. The color the most appear will be the winner gender. Got it Chin?

-Yas!! - man he was excited

-Okay, you can start to shoot in one... two.. three!

Chin shot all of them,his aim was perfect, but.. oops, no winner color

-Steve! I told you to make sure there was more of the ink for the baby gender!! - Vanessa said to her boyfriend with an angry Voice. That was part of the plan, they were playing with their emotions.

-STEVE! YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! - That was Amanda. She came for him and started slapping him while he laughed at her

-Now, ladies and gentlemen, calm down! We gotcha! - Steve and Vanessa hi five and announced. - please, look at the sky, this baby came as angel and like that its should be enter our lives.

At this moment the fireworks went off revealing the gender of the new McGarrett and Kelly's baby. It was a Boy!!

-Welcome Henry!!!


It has been one week since the gender reveal and now all of the dream was threatened.

Chin's POV

Amanda just woke up yelling of pain. It's 1am.

She seemed to be in so much pain. She was crying and had her hands on her belly, she was out of breath.

-Babe, take a deep breath, I'm calling Vanessa, she will surely help us

-Do it already! - she groaned in pain

~Phone Call~

-Chin? Is something wrong? - Vanessa answered the phone worried

-Yes, Mands is having a lot of pain, she just woke up

-Take her to the hospital immediately, I will be waiting for you at the entrance of the emergency room.

-Okay, be there in a few

Chin hung up and took Amanda to their car rushing to the hospital. In the meantime he called Steve and when they got there Steve was by Vanessa's side waiting for the couple to arrive.

-It's all going to be fine - the Doctor reassured the couple


Chin's POV

It has been two hours since Amanda got in with Vanessa. No updated. I was panicking.

-Hey Bro, relax, they both gonna be fine - Steve said watching me walk back and forth at the hospital lobby

-It better be true


-Chin? Steve? - Vanessa finally appeared at the hallway - you can now see Amanda - she gave us a comforting smile

-Oh thank God! - they both said at the same time running through the doors to Amanda's room.

Amanda had to go through surgery. Her placenta got out of place and they had to surgically put it back in place.

The visiting time ended, Vanessa left to her office without checking on the trio.

She entered her office, took out her white coat and her Snickers, sat on her chair and sighed. It has been a crazy middle of the night for her. All the pressure of making sure that her best friend and boyfriend's sister was okay made her tense.her muscles were tight and painful. But, a knock on the door took her out of her deep thoughts.

-Come in - she responded with her forehead on her hands, looking down at her table

-Are you good?

-No, but what you need me for Brendon?

-Massive shooting at the park Chief, we need all hands on deck

-You gotta be kidding me! - she let out a groan - I will be right down

-Okay - nurse Brendon left her office

-Okay God, help me before I kill someone today. Couldn't this day be more stressful?

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