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The moon was kissing her face, the wind was light and warm, just how she likes it. The comfy bed wrapped her making her go deeper in her dreams.

She was in a happy place, rainbows, colorful grass, happy and caring people. The river was made out of hot cocoa. Everything looking like it was taken out of a kids cartoon, but then, everything changed.

The sunny sun went red, everything started to shake, there were smells of blood, the temperature dropped dramatically. It kinda felt like she was now inside a freezer.

Moments after the earthquake stopped, looking around she couldn't see anyone hurt or dead, and that was good news.

But, when everything was calm again, there was no life on that village.

The rainbows disappear.

The river was dry.

And the colourful grass was now painted


“just like Marvin”

Steve's POV

The house was quiet, Vanessa was wrapped on my arms and sleeping heavily. But then she started to shake, like real bad and to sweat. I tried to wake her up but she just wasn't responding.

-Vanessa, babe, wake up - I shook her harder and she opened her green eyes to me. They were scared, so I just held her - it's okay now my love

She looked at me dead serious, sat on her bed and started talking

-I know how it looks like, a fragil female doctor who can't handle to lose a patient. But the truth is that I'm not emotionally out of my mind, I don't need counseling for this, I did not had a breakdown. I just am frustrated. I'm frustrated because I.. because I could see myself in him.

-When I was a baby, before I was even born, I had constant seizures inside my mom's belly. No one suspected that was the reason I moved too much in the womb. They just discovered when I was born. My dad saw it, called a doctor and she quickly knew what was happening to me. Ever since then I hadn't had any episode or diagnostic with any diseases.  So, for me, not being able to save him is just like not saving another me. I'm just frustrated cuz I know I could have done better and caught it before happening, and I just trusted too much on my skills and forgot about my job.

-Vanessa, honey, lemme tell you something. When things are supposed to happen they will whether you like it or not and whether you try to prevent it not. You are not that little kid, and I'm no doctor but that doesn't seem like something you would do a test and find out right? - she shook her head - there is no need to get stressed over sometime you have no control of. Just relax, you know you did what you u could, now just go back to sleep and tomorrow is a new day. Ok? - she nodded and went to lay back down but looked at me instead

-Did Omar come by?

-Yes, he actually did. He said something about good news from your patient

-Why didn't you wake me up then?

-You took me three fucking hours to sleep, I didn't want to blow my job - I smirked and that made her crack a smile

-That's fine, I will go there now to see what it was, I'm curious though

-Okay, I will just put on some pants and we can go, I wanna see this too

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