Chapter Six - Settling In

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As you perched on the stool in silence, you allowed yourself a moment to think. Whilst this was not the series of events you would have chosen; you were quietly glad to be doing something again. And with a wince of pain, you stood up, taking the opportunity to look around Sombra's room without your previous veil of suspicion.

The fact that she had decorated this room, in the middle of a terrorist base, with her favourite colour and childhood teddy bear was actually kind of cute. She certainly wasn't the cocky, confident person she made herself out to be, not underneath it all.

"It's a nice room you've got here" you commented as you looked around, examining each detail carefully.

In the corner of the room, you noticed a computer terminal with Sombra's typical purple skull insignia on the monitor. You couldn't help but feel amused at the thought of world leaders and other prominent figures being blackmailed by a Latino woman curled up in this room at that computer, probably with a violet blanket wrapped around herself.

"Yeah...can you tell I like purple?" she questioned in a joking tone, only now realising just how much of it there was in her room.

You strolled over to the bed, and pointed at the teddy bear with a smile, causing her to shake her head in embarrassment.

"And I assume this is Arturito?" you asked, and she gave a sheepish smile, slowly nodding her head.

She walked next to you and briefly picked the bear up, shaking him in front of you for a second and causing you to chuckle.

"See, not everything I said was a lie...just the vitally important things" she commented, making you roll your eyes with a small smile.

You couldn't believe you had been trying to choke her to death a few minutes ago, and now you were smiling at the fact that she'd lied to you. Sombra really had bewitched you, but all you could hope was that you somehow had a similar effect on her. Doubt it...but I can dream.

"Fair what happens now? I'll keep you safe from these guys but-" you started, quickly being cut off by Sombra.

"Oh god, Y/N. I'm sorry. You must be exhausted. You can take a shower here, it' just through that door there. Then you can get some rest" she interjected, practically throwing you towards her en-suite bathroom.

You stumbled through the door, and Sombra immediately moved over to the door. She peered in for a second, giving a cheeky grin before sealing and locking the door, giving you a little privacy.

Much like the rest of her quarters, Sombra's en-suite bathroom wasn't exactly what you'd expect from an underground terrorist headquarters. The walls were lined with clean white tiles, the floor with a soft cream carpet and the ceiling with a blinding lamp. The bathroom not only boasted the essentials, like a toilet and sink, but also had top of the range shower, and a luxury corner bath which would not look out of place in a rich businessman's mansion. You supposed being the world's most notorious hacker paid well.

As you stood there for a moment, alone, you began to feel very fatigued. Sombra was right, you were exhausted. Who knew being tortured could be so tiring? You yawned loudly as you undressed and placed your clothes onto a nearby dresser, stepping into the shower and mindlessly turning it on. The comfort of warm water droplets on your bare skin only made you even more tired, but as you thoughtlessly began to wash, you noticed something strange on your left hand. It was still bleeding from earlier, but not from any torture that you could remember.

Curiously, you turned your hand so that you were staring at the palm and gasped in shock. Right on the inside of your wrist was a strange looking metal device, implanted directly into your skin. A small green LED sat within the metal, although the machine, whatever it was, seemed unaffected by the water of the shower. If it was going to be a danger then I'd have been electrocuted by now, you concluded, beginning to rub the area around the implant to try and remove the dried blood.

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