Chapter Forty - The Final Council

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Riding a beaten shuttle back to Watchpoint Gibraltar, your spirits were the highest they had been after finding out about New York. After the destruction of the omnium, Hana had happily agreed to join Overwatch, at the very least until Maximilien was defeated. The omnic control chip was in your possession and with it your one chance to save Manhattan and end Talon once and for all. And to top it all off, everyone had made it back in one piece.

After the deaths of Mei and Fareeha in Site Hotel Zulu, you had felt all the more determined to keep people alive. Some of these heroes you hardly knew, and yet their sacrifices still resonated with you. They were selfless, prepared to give their lives so that others may live. And if you had your way, their sacrifices would not be in vain.

On a lighter note, the stress and chaos of the last mission had caused love to bloom. You could happily say that you were a witness to Lena and Genji's first kiss, even going so far as to applaud them when it finally happened. They both deserved a win.

As the journey neared its end, you sat in the passenger bay, looking down closely at the tiny control chip you had fought so hard for. How could a device so small determine the fate of an entire city? Scratch that, the entire world?

"Earth to Y/ read me there? What're you thinking about?" Hana questioned, stepping forwards with a friendly smile and sitting beside you.

Her mech had been badly damaged in battle, and thus was being towed beneath the shuttle.

"Hm...just thinking about this war. You know, I've been fighting Talon for over a year now, and it feels like so much longer. I just hope this works...not sure what I'll do if it doesn't" you replied, staring off wistfully into space.

"I'm sure it'll work...what made you start fighting Talon in the first place?" Hana asked curiously.

You gave a small and knowing smile.

"Not what, who. I was...persuaded...well kidnapped, really. It doesn't sound real but, this beautiful woman tricked me into helping her. And instead of feeling angry, or bitter, or betrayed, all reasonable reactions...I fell in love with her. I swear...she could kill me, and I'd still end up forgiving her for it..." you explained, reminiscing inwardly about the journey that had brought you here.

You remember waking up in a Talon cell, with no clue what was going on. And over the space of a single conversation with Olivia Colomar, you had gone from wanting to kill her to loving her. More than anything in the world, you hoped you would get the chance to see her again one last time before you died, if only to tell her for the thousandth time how you felt.

"That sounds like a videogame story...not real life...hell I'd play that game" Hana commented in reply, awestruck at your story.

"Exciting life..." you remarked calmly.

On the other side of the passenger bay, you saw Lena and Genji sat close together, Lena leaning her heading on his shoulder. It was a strange feeling; you were both happy and jealous at the same time. Happy for your friends, but jealous because had been in their position not long ago and were afraid that you had lost all chances of being there again.

"Landing at...Watchpoint Gibraltar. Advise strapping on safety harnesses" Athena reported, snapping you back into reality.

"Alright time's over, time to get to work" you stated.

Never had a truer statement been said. The omnic control chip was yours, yes, but you still needed a way into New York, and people strong enough to go. The final battle was coming, and you had an ominous feeling it would be your last...

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