Chapter Eleven - Judgement

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The shuttle ride 'home' was a silent one, with you and Sombra sitting beside one another and Maximilien sat opposite. The omnic's unmoving eyes stared right through you, penetrating into your very soul as if he were assessing you, determining your worth as an investment. His mistrust of you was painfully obvious, as was his disapproval. Nonetheless, he could hardly claim that you had not done your job. Whatever his feelings towards you were, you had fulfilled the operation flawlessly. Hopefully, that would buy you some small amount of favour with the Talon Council, probably not enough to remove the tracker but still every little helped.

As you rubbed your hands together uncomfortably, you felt the shuttle rumble a little as it descended. You glanced towards Sombra, who was staring solemnly at the floor. She had been doing that for the entire trip, not saying a word since Maximilien had arrived. It was both strange and frightening to see her chirpy demeanour dissipate. If she was nervous, you should be too.

The shuttle bumped again slightly as its landing gear scuffed the ground, and a moment later the rear door opened outward with a hiss. Maximilien stood up, silently gesturing for them to do the same. And together, the three of you walked out into the Talon headquarters, where the eyes of all the engineers seemed to bore into you.

Feeling as if you were being arrested, you followed closely behind Maximilien, keeping your hands in your pockets as a hundred judging looks weighed down upon you. The time had come to see if you had fooled Talon enough to keep yourself alive for a little while longer...

Walking through the base, you began to share Sombra's feelings of nervousness. Out in the field, you had almost begun to enjoy yourself as the threats of Talon felt so distant. But now you were beginning to realise just how short a leash they had kept you on. These people weren't to be trifled with, and the consequences of betrayal here were surely...extreme.

Maximilien led you through a set of double doors, into a small chamber, in the centre of which stood a long table surrounded by chairs. The omnic gestured for the two of you to take a seat, and you did so, albeit uncomfortably. The silence stretched on for several more seconds, and you waited anxiously, until a tall figure stepped out from the shadows nearby. A man you knew all too well, your employer. Doomfist. He strolled around, his hands behind his back, circling the two of you like a predator around prey. His demeanour was that of a man in charge, silent and stoic in his dominance. He held the power; everybody knew that, and nobody disputed it. The mere sound of his footsteps were enough to keep everyone on edge, even Maximilien straightened his posture.

"I recently received a report about your mission to India and found myself...surprised. Chitanis has agreed to co-operate, an expected result, I knew you would persuade him somehow. But I have also heard that there were no casualties...explain" Akande monologue slowly, turning to face the two of you when he finished speaking.

"We felt there was...value in...subtlety. The mission wasn't to invade the headquarters of the Indian Defence Corps, it was to threaten the general into trading with us. We chose stealth as the best option" Sombra explained, causing Akande to nod his head slowly, leaning his back against the wall.

"Indeed...a clean operation, if ever I saw one. I recall, you have never had any problems with necessary deaths in the past. Which leads me to this conclusion...the merciful approach was yours, Y/N" Akande answered, turning all of the attention on you.

Sombra seemed to hang her head in shame, as you cleared your throat to answer.

"I-I just didn't see the need for unnecessary killing...what I mean to say is, it would have been sloppy, and I know you expect a high standard from your agents" you replied, anxiously awaiting the response.

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