Chapter Thirty Six - A Hopeful Speech

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The moment of peace in which you had found yourself did not last long. Within a couple of minutes, the corridors had also erupted into gunplay, with Talon moving fast to lock down the base and keep you trapped there.

Keeping on the move was essential, if your enemies managed to surround you then everything was over. The closer you moved towards your target, the more your little squad was whittled down. Now, you found yourself huddled behind a support pillar, reloading your pulse rifle as bullets whizzed past your head.

"Y/N...I'm a pretty optimistic fella...but this ain't a bright situation" Jesse remarked.

The cowboy promptly engaged a Talon soldier who had gotten too close, kicking him in the stomach before knocking him unconscious with a sharp blow to the head.

"I know, McCree! If you've got any ideas then I'd love to hear 'em!" you answered, briefly ducking out of cover to return fire.

One of the Volskaya Industries soldiers attempted to rush forwards, only to be knocked down in a hail of bullets. There were less than a dozen of you now.

"Just one..." Jesse stated in a quiet voice.

He took a deep breath, flicking the chamber of his revolver open and loading it full of rounds. He stepped out from cover, causing you to look at him with panic. But somehow, all of the enemy's shots seemed to miss him. A tumbleweed blew across the corridor in front of him, making you frown in confusion. Where the hell did a tumbleweed come from underground?

Jesse's eyes flicked from one man to another, eyeing them up as his fingers twitched around his holster. And then he drew, and with six loud bangs, he somehow obtained six headshots in a second flat.

You shared a shocked glance with the IDC soldiers before rushing forwards, taking out the remaining few enemies who were paralysed in fear. And then, in a rare moment of quiet, you turned to Jesse.

"Can I just take this opportunity to say...Overwatch is weird" you remarked breathlessly, causing the cowboy to chuckle and nod his head.

"We need to move, barracks won't stay full for long" he replied, reloading his revolver.

You took a breath, before leading the way, onwards. There didn't seem to be much resistance as you approached the briefing room, in fact there was suspiciously little. Apart from the occasional lone soldier caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, you were having a remarkably easy time pushing through the facility. You only hoped that Olivia's team was having the same luck.

At last, after charging through dozens of identical corridors, you reached the door which led onto the briefing room. This chamber, filled with screens and computers, was one of the few places containing a speaker which would carry your message throughout the entire base. As well as those still in the barracks, every single Talon soldier in the facility was about to hear what you had to say. Knew I should've written this down first...

"Okay, listen up. I want you guys to stay out here and set up a defensive position...I don't want to get jumped while I'm making my speech. Jesse...I know there's no point saying you can't come with me" you ordered, causing the cowboy to grin.

"No, there ain't. But let me ask a quick question. A large portion of Talon's forces are still in the barracks, yeah? Why don't we just seal the exits and pump something nasty through the vents? Kill 'em where they stand. I mean...this is Talon we're talking about; they're not known for their mercy" Jesse questioned.

"You want to gas them?! Listen...many of these soldiers are former military, like me, who've just been taken in by Talon propaganda. If we can convince them that Talon are the bad guys then a lot of them will join us, we get an instant army and keep our consciences clear" you explained, your hand hovering over the controls to the door.

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