Chapter Fourteen - A Shocking Revelation

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Leaving the party was a simple affair. While the guards were investigating the bathrooms where Sombra had been 'stabbed', she slipped away into the shadows like a ghost. The two of you linked up outside the university, taking one of the golden row boats to escape the vicinity. From there, you snuck through the alleyways of Oasis, hearing sirens overhead as the authorities began to realise what had happened. But they were too late.

Within half an hour, you reached the outskirts of the city, reuniting with Moira in her underground hidey-hole. The scientist neglected to congratulate you at the time, instead immediately calling upon the exfiltration shuttle, and within another ten minutes you found yourselves sat in the back of a shuttle, flying away over the vast Arabian Desert. There you sat, the memory drive in your pocket and a smile on your face, gladdened by a hugely successful mission.

Sombra took a seat opposite you, her happiness broken only by the tear that she had made in her favourite dress. You watched her for a moment as she held the fabric in her hand and rolled her eyes.

"That was quick thinking, your little performance, pleasure to watch" you commented, causing her to lighten up a little.

"Well it cost me...I hope you appreciate my dress's sacrifice" she replied jokingly.

Moira didn't seem to hear you, either that or she simply didn't care. Instead, the scientist fiddled with a hologram communicator, tampering with it until eventually a live image of Doomfist appeared in front of you all.

"Successor. I am glad to report that the mission has been successful. Sombra's distraction, coupled with Y/N's infiltration, allowed us to delete the local copy of the sensitive data, thereby eliminating any leverage the Vishkar Corporation had over us" Moira reported in a business-like tone, causing Akande to nod slowly.

"Yes, we received the transmitted data not an hour ago, excellent work. Another account settled, you are proving quite useful, Y/N. And as for you, Sombra, I think you are finally beginning to understand what is expected here. Return to base immediately and get some rest" Doomfist stated, and with that brief speech his hologram promptly disappeared again.

All of that effort for a brief pat on the back and a 'keep it up' sticker, Talon were certainly rare to give praise. Still, it had been no different in the military, for a time no matter how many days you fought with no rest, there was no reward or recognition at the end of it.

Back in Castellón, you remembered quite literally standing in trenches in the ground, briefly poking your rifle over the top before ducking back down to avoid being killed, over and over again for days on end. You were no stranger to hard work without reward.

"So...another day, another job. We're getting good at this, aren't we, amigo?" Sombra questioned, causing you to grin.

"We're a good couple...uh team, you know...partnership" you replied, provoking a chuckle from Sombra and an exasperated sigh from Moira.

The scientist swiftly stood up, leaving the room, and moving to the cockpit to get away from you both.

"Smooth, Y/N. Very smooth" Sombra answered with a wink.

"I aim to please" you responded.

Only now, after all of the excitement was over, did you realise just how exhausted you truly were. With a long sigh, you leant your head back against the wall of the shuttle and closed your eyes, letting your thoughts drift again...

You took the radio into your hands, trying your best to ignore the blood which splattered all over it, the blood of your friend. Again the message repeated, requesting any response from military units still in Miami. You guessed very few were still alive now, in fact for all you knew you could be the last one, the last man standing.
"This is Corporal Y/N L/N of the 22nd squad. My sergeant is down, and I've lost sight of the rest of my men, presumed KIA. I'm and a half miles from rally point bravo" you reported with rapid breaths as exhaustion began to set in. To prevent yourself from collapsing, you found yourself forced to lean all of your weight on a nearby desk, which creaked under you.
"Corporal...welcome back to the land of the living, son. We'd heard nothing from your squad since dawn, what is your position?" the voice down the radio responded. You recognised the man down the comms, one Colonel James Richards. He was the one who had organised this entire assault, and was very much what you would call an armchair general. Your personal thoughts about the colonel aside, you quickly relayed the information to him, hoping to be free of this godforsaken city as soon as possible.
"I'm hunkered down in a destroyed library on 24th street, co-ordinates locator is trashed. I've been hit, but not badly. Though I'll admit, a medevac wouldn't go amiss" you replied, wiping a long string of blood from your forehead. In the distance, you could still hear the menacing mechanic sounds of hydraulic legs slowly moving down the street. The omnics were circling you, it was only a matter of time until they found you.
"I'm afraid that's not gonna happen, son. Omnic forces are preventing anything from entering Miami airspace right now, and we've already called back all ground-based troop transports. I do have a new set of orders for you, though, relayed direct from...from the Secretary of Defence. Make your way to...32nd street, new orders will follow" Colonel Richards answered, his voice descending into static as if to say he had no further words for you. Glancing around at the war which continued to rage around you, you swore under your breath, cursing the command team for their damn orders. There they were, sat perfectly safely outside the battlefield, refusing to let you leave and forcing you further into the pit. If you didn't die from this suicide mission, you'd damn well be having words with these 'respected' generals when all of this was over...

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